August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Country roads take me home

Let me tell you about this stretch of road..... makes my heart feel warm and it let's me know I'm home. It's a stretch of road that I've been down probably a million times in my life - literally. I have been going up and down this road for so long, I can remember when most of it was unpaved. When I was little, it was the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was the way to school - which is where I broke my arm and caught the chicken pox from Caleb, who sat in front of me in the second grade. It was where I walked from the high school to the elementary school cafeteria for lunch every day. As we walked, the girls talked about boys and the boys talked about girls. And if the grass was wet, your shoes would turn green. It took me to Homecoming dances and two Proms. When you get to the stop sign, theres a beautiful, aromatic honeysuckle bush that'll just knock you over in the spring. And just below the hilltop is the turn up another steep hill that took me to Ag class in high school. If you turn right instead of left, it'll take you by my friend April's grandparents old house where we played in the summers and had a lemonade stand out front. I remember riding horses after the Western Days Parade along this road. It runs alongside where the railroad tracks used to come through town. If Dad and I were standing outside in our yard, we could hear the train blow it's whistle as it came through. It's where I see deer feeding in the grass beside the trees in the early mornings, completely undisturbed by me as I drive by heading into town. It's where I watch Roy riding his zero-turn lawn mower in front of the school. It zig-zags around Wilbur's Mini Mall (that's just what me and D call it, picture a place where the guys from American Pickers would have a great day) and crosses the creek that flooded waaaaaaay out of its banks when I was 16 or 17 and I almost choked out my stepdad's little S10 pickup as Grandma was yelling, "Give it the gas!" It's where Kyle walks his dog and carries his RC cola every day. In the cool evening, when the sun is hidden behind the trees and the breeze is blowing and you're driving with your windows down, you can just smell something special in the air; it's peaceful, calming, relaxing. It's the road that takes me home every day and the road that takes me to the cemetery where Dad and Grandpa (and a lot of other special people) are buried. This is my comfort zone.....


  1. WOW I love this one!!! I have the same feelings of this road!! I drove this road home as a kid and now as an adult! ok now you've got me to thinking and I have some sort of liquid filling up in my eyes ;)

  2. I may have shed a tear while writing it :)
