August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Oh, the Passion!

This is my bow. All self-respecting country girls should own one - even if you're like me and you're more of a target shooter than a big game hunter. Getch yoself one, gurl! Once you start shooting it, you won't want to put it down! Unless you've had enough of deer season. Then you'll stick it in it's case and not get it out again until next fall, which is what I did. I do love shooting it, it was just too hot this summer. But, as soon as fall hits, I get the feeva! However, I'm not much for eating deer meat, or any wild game for that matter, it's too gamey, which is why I'm more of a target shooter. One of the guys I work with swears that (prepare yourself for gross stuff) the key to getting the gamey taste out of deer meat is to let all of the blood drain out of it. He says after you quarter it up, stick it in several extra large ice chests, over ice. Let all of the blood drain out over the course of a few days, changing out the ice as needed. He says you can't even taste the gamey-ness after that. I haven't tried it, so I have no idea whether it works or not. Just passin' it along.

"Passion" by Mathews. Aint' she purdy? My dude had the handle engraved with "Sexy Red". lol

I love the details. Pink and purple, because, you know, pink and purple are camouflage, too. I blend with the flowers. It comes in other colors and I really like the black and teal, but I think this one fits me better. The Realtree AP finish would have matched my camo gear, but having a pretty bow is like wearing awesome shoes that hurt your feet - it's just necessary.

Don't you love the pink and purple veins and the green nocks? This distinguishes my arrows from my dude's. He would never have pink and purple. He likes red and yellow, like ketchup and mustard. I think mine look fashionable, which is important, right? The only thing that would make them better would be if they sparkled. Don't you think the deer would like that? Oh wait, I'm more of a target shooter. Okay, so they'd look real pretty sticking out of my target!

Whisker biscuit. That just makes me giggle a little. But, this is not what I picture when I think "whisker biscuit". It makes me think of a biscuit stuck in whiskers. Kind of like the time my uncle got a piece of popcorn stuck in his mustache at the movie theater and my Mom was trying to tell him about it, but she started laughing too hard and choked on a piece of popcorn instead. She should not have inhaled. Poor woman. We all laughed so hard we cried. And I may have snorted once or twice. Hey, it happens.

The mack daddy of releases! The Beast by Bone Collector. My dude tries to steal it from me on a regular basis because it's nicer than his. It's so smooth! For you non-hunters, this is what you use to pull the bow back - it saves thy fangers. (Say that like a redneck, it'll make more sense)

That would be me, aka Sexy Red, in my dude's shirt with my uncombed hair pulled up and still a mess. I like wearing his shirts. I don't have to hold my gut in and it covers my juicy booty - which is just a nice way of saying it's large and it jiggles. Yes, very sexy, indeed.


  1. I need to get a bow. I am a weenie though! I am afraid I won't be able to pull it back!! LOL I think that is a sign I need to exercise!! Hahaha

  2. Lol mine is maxed out at 43 pounds & I don't have any trouble. You can do it! :)
