August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Manic Monday

This is how my Monday started out, it's a long story, prepare yourself:

I woke up about 7:00 and laid in bed fiddling with pictures on my phone and Facebooking. Then I got up and piddled with my blog and Facebook on the computer - some FB things you just have to do on the 'puter. Then D texted me to go look at the well head because he saw some water seepage the day before. I strapped on my flip flops and went to take a gander. Oh, yeah there was definitely a leak. The ground was wet in a ten foot square. We're in the worst drought since the dustbowl 30's, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there's a leak. He said he was calling a well guy, so I took my cue that I didn't need to worry about it and went back inside to piddle on the computer some more.

A little bit later a stranger knocked on the door. When you live in the middle of nowhere, a stranger's knock always puts you on "alert". Guns, bows and arrows, grenades, rocket launchers - all at the ready. Okay, so we don't have grenades or rocket launchers. But, if we did, they'd be ready! This stranger said there were cows out south of my house. I told him they probably belonged across the road and that I'd go look and let the owner know. A few minutes later the girls and I loaded up to go look. Here's the kicker - there weren't any cows out! And there weren't any fences down, either! I ran back home just in case the stranger had been scoping us out and had used "cows out" as a ruse. Thankfully, all was well on the home front.

Then I thought about eating, because my stomach was growling, but decided to clean the bathroom instead - that was going to be my Monday workout. That's normal, right? Don't you skip a meal so you can clean? No? Well, you're just weird. While I was cleaning the toilet (ewww, don't even get me started), D called back. He told me to go outside and take the cap off of the well head to see if there was water inside the pipe. I started out the door and he reminded me that I'd probably need rubber boots. Okay, pink and purple rubber boots, check! I got to the well head and realized I need tools, so I went back into the house. Pink and purple bag of tools, check! (I also had on pink pants. Snap! Are you sensing a theme?) I got the cap off and there was a colony of ants on the underneath side. <insert lots of screaming, swatting and jumping around> I'm telling you, there were so many of them it looked like the cap was moving. Ick! I still feel "crawly". I had to go back into the house to get something to kill all the ants. Ants dead, check! I tried to look down the pipe and realized I needed a flashlight. Back to the house I went. Flashlight, check! I didn't see any water inside the pipe and that meant I had to start digging because D wouldn't be home until 6:00. You can't let this kind of thing fester or it'll get out of hand. I had to go back into the house to turn off the breaker for the well pump, then I spent the next hour digging a hole and dipping out water. I couldn't find our "good" shovel, so I had to use one that has a lead pipe for a handle. Do you know how heavy that thing is?! Omgosh!! And the mud was HEAVY!! It's probably a good thing that the handle was made of lead pipe and not wood, a wooden one would have snapped under all that pressure! I had mud all over me. And I'm not sure how it happened, but I even had mud on my derrière.

The leak is somewhere below that small pipe.

Like my muddy boots?

I had to stop digging because I had to get ready for work and since our water was turned off, I was going to Mom's to shower. I used some bottled water to rinse off my fingertips so I could put in my contacts, got a travel bag ready and sent Jakob a message to not use any toilets, sinks or shower when he got home from school. I got in my car, realized I didn't have on my wedding ring and had to go back inside. I got in the car again and realized I didn't have D's uniform that needed to go to the cleaners and had to go back inside again. Finally, I hit the road, toad.

Twenty minutes later I realized that I'd left my dinner on the counter. I don't get to leave work for lunch/dinner, so if I don't have something with me, I just starve to death. Plus, I still hadn't eaten anything since I'd gotten out of bed and my stomach was really starting to voice it's opinion on the subject. Put "buy reheatable food" on my list of to-do's before I go to work. Then, within half mile of Mom's house, I ran into this:


Thankfully, he realized that completely blocking a busy intersection was not the smartest idea he'd ever had and he left. I took a shower at Mom's, behind her clear shower curtain, which kind of freaked me out. It's very strange to be behind a clear curtain. I don't know why, but it's different than being behind a clear door. I just felt very ...... um ...... bare. And, the curtain attacked me the whole time I was in the shower. Do you think it has to do with the temperature difference between inside the shower and outside the shower? It just kept gravitating toward me. <insert creepy music> I like my Mom's house. It always smells like perfume and Scentsy stuff. My house smells like the country. Totally different smell.

After my shower I borrowed her toothpaste and some watermelon flavored chapstick. Yum. Then I borrowed her perfume. FYI, it doesn't smell the same on me as it does on her. Translation - I didn't like it. I ran to the store for a new phone case and the girls needed some candy (aka dog biscuits).

It's purple ... I like purple.

I went to the Express Lane with my 3 items and it took 30 minutes to check out. I'm not sure that fits the definition of "express". Then, I bought a drive-thru lunch and scarfed down a meal - don't scarf your food, it doesn't do the tummy well. I dropped D's uniform off at the cleaners, headed to work, called in a pizza for later and spent the rest of the night feeling like a fat toad from all of the fast food. Here's hoping tomorrow is better and that we have water and no leaks! Over and out!

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