August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Skunks, buses and parental angst

Jakob got his first whiff of a skunk today. Yucko! Glad it wasn't any closer! It was pretty faint, but still stunk. Like a skunk. Stink, stank, stunk. The funk of a skunk. Okay, I'll stop.

On the way to school this morning Jakob and I talked about which names he remembered of the kids he met yesterday and as we approached the school I had to stop for a bus that was offloading. He looked a little confused as to why I was stopped, so I explained that in the US, it's the law. I guess they don't do that in Germany? I think I'm learning as much as he is! :)

When I dropped him off, I have to admit, my parental angst was a little higher today than it was yesterday. I think it's because yesterday school had already started & he got to class about 20 minutes later. We sent him into class and there were several kids in there that we knew. Today was a "normal" day and he was there before school and I sent him off to hang with the other kids. Watching him walk off to navigate through the crowd was a little hard to do. He's still getting used to our accents and our slang and I just want him to have fun and for his time here to be enjoyable. Not that any of the kids are mean or haven't been helpful, he said the kids and teachers were very nice. I just hope he makes friends easily and is able to work through any language barriers. I just worry, I don't know why. - side note: every time I hear "I don't know why" I think "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly..." give a little woot! woot! if you know what I'm talking about :) - I saw Jakob standing with some other boys, he's so tall I couldn't miss him, and he seemed fine. Stop worrying! That last part was for me, not you. I'll shut up now.

And how many of you are now singing "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly...."? You're welcome :)

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