August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Head 'em up, move 'em out! Rawhide!

My dude went to help sort and move cattle the other day. He sent me a few pics, then I went and took a few. I showed up in my flip flops, that way they all knew I was there to work.

It's time to move them to another pasture and sort off the sick ones.

Oooooooohhhhhh! Riding in the big truck! So much fun! I absolutely love riding in a semi! You should try it some time. (Disclaimer: Not as a hitchhiker. No, no, no, don't do that. Ride with someone you know.) Too bad Jakob was in school, he'd have loved it! My Grandpa drove a semi and we loved it when he'd honk the horn at us. Us grandkids would climb up in the truck when we were at their house and pretend we were driving it, making the seats bounce up and down, pretending to pull the horn, checking the mirrors, shifting gears, talking on the CB like we were out on the big road, then backing up to our imaginary loading chute and we'd all get out to "unload" our cattle.  

Now, you kids stop crowding in there so much. I know you all want in, but it's just a one holer! Wait your turn.

It was a litte dusty out there. That'll turn your boogeys brown and black. Was that TMI? Sorry.

My dude got some poo flung on him when a cow kicked at him. By the time they were finished, he had several nice smears on him. It was pretty green and you know what that means. It stunk! He got in the truck to go to lunch and he smelled like a fresh pile! But, he still looked pretty sexy, so I overlooked the smell.

I thnk he has a little bit of poo on his face. Is that like egg on your face? It kind of outlines his eye like Lady Gaga's makeup. Maybe he did it on purpose? "Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way!"

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