August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Me vs The Washing Machine

First, I want you to know that I have a blister on my left hand from all the digging I did on Monday. On Tuesday, I did battle with the watching ma-chine. And that does't mean that I did laundry. Well, I did do laundry, but this is a story about a much different battle altogether.

I had noticed over the last couple of months that the flow of cold water into the washing tub had slowed to a trickle. It would take about an hour to fill up the tub for a large load of clothes. In the words of Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" On Tuesday, I'd had enough of the slow-flow and decided to take matters into my own hands. No way I was asking my Dude to do it. I'm a take-charge, do it myself kind of woman. I have an able body and a somewhat clear mind - I can figure this problem out!

I pulled the washer out and the first thing I saw were dust bunnies of Diamond's hair and a little bit of mouse poop. Gross. I started unhooking the hoses to look for a clog. Someone, I don't know who, but someone put the hoses on backwards. Here's your free lesson on washing machine hoses - the end with the filter on it ATTACHES TO THE FAUCET, not the washing machine. That way, when the filter clogs you can easily clean it out. Since these were put on backwards, the clog was on the inside of the hose. Super. I decided I'd treat like I would a clogged drain and put a little bit of baking soda on it and then slowly poured vinegar over it. This burned my blister. And it worked! I flushed both hoses with hot water, then I pulled the filters out of the washing machine and gave them the same treatment. I hooked it all back up - hoses on correctly! - vacuumed up the dust bunnies and mouse poop and moved the washing machine back into place. I turned on the water faucets ..... I turned the cycle knob ..... and ..... OH MY GOSH!! It was like Niagara Falls!! Whoo-hoo!! The flow of water was unbelievable!! I did a cheer, a dance, gave out a few woot, woots and fist pumped myself a few times, then I ran to wake up D to brag. Then I called Mom to brag. Now, I'm telling you. But, not to brag. I'm just telling you because we're friends and I know you really wanted to hear the story.


I chose
To pick my nose
My finger smelled like that rubber hose
And not clean clothes

That was a quick poem I made up for you. Sorry.

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