August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day of school!

Today was Jakob's first day of school in the US!

We took him to the Bulldog Express for breakfast and he ordered a meal that included bacon and a chocolate covered donut. He ate the donut first and he said, "This is so much better than in Germany!" He said the dough was really good and better than what he was used to. That will make Jeff & JR's day! When the waitress brought our plates out, he spent a minute looking at it, then said, "That's real bacon." Yes, it is and it is so yummy! He said bacon in Germany is a lot thinner and isn't as big. I'm picturing something like prosciutto, which is delicious itself, but it's not good ol' fried American bacon! This experience brought to you by Oklahoma's pork producers. Not really. I just thought it was fitting. :)
We picked him up after school and headed to Stillwater to let him buy some clothes and a few more school supplies. He said his favorite class of the day was World History taught by Coach K and oddly enough, he and Jimmy (the other exchange student) have the exact same schedule! He made it to all of his classes without any trouble and got a ride to and from the fieldhouse for his athletics class. He said there were a few times that he was unsure of the right word to use in English, but overall he had a good day.
We took him to Old Navy, then I forced him and D to endure a few minutes in Ulta. I'm mean like that. Afterwards, we met Aunt Lisa and Uncle Buck for dinner and Jakob's first experience at a Hibachi table!

Our chef was VERY entertaining and interactive, which I thought was awesome for Jakob's first time there. He laughed a lot and had a good time and we all jumped back a little when the flames flew high. :)


  1. Seriously, a hibachi table!! He came to the US, take him Joe's!!!! LOL

  2. LOL Joe's is on the list of to-do's! I promise :)
