August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Friday, October 25, 2013

What is wrong with people?

It was made perfectly clear to me yesterday that there is a HUGE difference in how people treat you when you make a mistake and you have a baby with you. And I'm not talking about the way people treat you when you have a screaming 5 year old laying in the middle of the aisle, throwing a huge hissy fit for the world to see. My niece had a meltdown in Walgreens a couple of years ago and we had to leave the store without buying anything. We returned the next day and, lucky me, the same lady was working and she said, "Going to try it again?" Our second attempt at shopping went much better. 

Normally, I take Rocco everywhere with me, so he's had lots of trips to Walmart. When I'm shopping I always try to be courteous of other shoppers, but occasionally I will step out in front of someone because my attention was on him. Most people are gracious as I apologize and smile at me and say, "It's okay." One day he had an unbelievably horrible projectile puke in the pillow aisle and the lady behind me smiled and said, "Oh, poor Mommy. I remember those days."

Well (pretend I have my hands on my hips and say that in an exasperated tone), yesterday, it was a totally different story. I left Rocco with Papa so I could make a quick trip for a couple of things so I could cook dinner at Mom's. I was on the phone with D and I was looking for the bean aisle and I stopped just after I had turned down the wrong aisle. I took two steps back and bumped into someone. No, I did not turn around to see if there was someone behind me, that was my mistake. I immediately turned around and said, "I am so sorry." I was so embarrassed that I said it twice. This woman looked at me like I had horns growing out of my head and toted a pitchfork. She made it perfectly clear how offended she was that I had accidentally bumped into her. I tried to get out of her way as quickly as possible, but I had a cart with a gimp wheel and that irritated her, too. 

Last Friday I was checking out at Walmart and Rocco was kind of over the whole riding around in his car seat thing, so I had been carrying him. I had finished paying at the register and the cashier was helping me get the bags into my cart when the woman behind me rammed me with her cart. Literally, she intentionally and purposefully rammed my backside with her cart. While I'm holding my 5 month old son and loading bags into my cart! In the words of Sebastian Maniscalco, "What is wrong with people?" I wanted to whip out a little white trash attitude and call her every vile thing I could think of that would adequately describe her behavior and certain physical attributes and ram my fist down her throat and my foot up her rear, but I bit my tongue and held my temper. Seriously, what is wrong with people? When did we become so intolerant of others that we can't gracefully excuse an innocent mistake or allow them to load their groceries? Ugh. 

I have a date with my dude tonight, so rant over. It's Friday night in the big town! 

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