August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mommy brain

I have a problem. I can't remember anything. This trend started when I was pregnant and would forget things like putting on my deodorant in the mornings. And no, that didn't just happen once.

I take my coupons into Walmart and I forget to use them. I can't even count how many times this has happened to me. I will even set them aside in my wallet so that I don't forget them, then I get to the register and completely forget about them. I will see them as I get out my debit card and it still doesn't dawn on me to use them. It's like they just blend into the background.

If I have a gift card, I will go to the store specifically to use it, get to the register and forget about it. This happened to me at Babies 'R' Us a few months ago. It really hacked me off because it's an hour drive to that store and I intentionally drove there so I could use my gift card. So, I had to make another trip on another day. Use the gift card, waste some gas - this is my life. A few days ago, I returned some items to Walmart, had the refund put on a gift card, stuck the card in a special place in my purse so I would remember to use it, got to the register and forgot about it again!

I will ask for a to-go drink and leave it sitting on the table. Then I feel guilty because not only did I waste the tea, but I wasted a styrofoam cup and a plastic lid, as well. I ask for a doggie bag and forget the food on the table. More waste.

In my own home I frequently lose my shoes, socks, phone and drinks. I have been known to have 5 cups of water spread throughout the house because I forgot where I left the last one. A few days ago I lost my eyeliner. I used it and set it down on the bathroom counter and the next day it had disappeared. I spent 5 minutes looking all over for it, knowing I hadn't taken it out if the bathroom and no one else had moved it because Rocco and I were the only ones home for 2 days. After looking all over the counter and the floor four times, I looked down for the fifth time and there it was. On the counter. Where I'd already looked four times. I'm not taking responsibility for this incident. Someone, and by someone I mean a spirit, moved it and was toying with me. Just kidding. But, seriously, it appeared out of thin air.

I was going to send a text to a friend the other day and when I got ready to type it, I couldn't think of her name. A lifelong friend! This must be a small representation of what Alzheimer's feels like. I could picture her face, her house, her family, but I couldn't remember her name.

I still make my to-do lists, but I will sometimes forget that I made one or I can't find it, so I start a new one or I just say screw it and don't even bother. I eventually find several lists in the bottom of my purse. I keep thinking it will get better, but I have a feeling this is just another Mom fantasy.

I will walk from the kitchen to the bathroom to gather up the trash and by the time I get to the bathroom, which is less than 5 seconds, I've forgotten what I walked in there for. I stand there for several minutes, looking around, hoping that I will see something that reminds me why I am in there. Usually, I will give up, go back to the kitchen and five minutes later I remember that I need to get the bathroom trash. I waste much of my day in this kind of routine.

I have no idea what's going on, but I'm pretty sure that motherhood has cost me my short term memory. My brain is consumed with taking care of our little one and there's not much room for anything else in there. I can remember to get the bottles washed, formula and nursery water stocked, diaper bag filled, baby fed, washed and happy, but for the life of me, I can't remember much else. So, here's my apology: If we run into each other and you start talking about something I should be familiar with and I stare at you with a blank look on my face, please forgive me, chuckle to yourself, tell me how cute my baby is and give me a little reminder to get back on track. My brain is stained with baby poop.

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