August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My prayer for the day

Sometimes I think The Lord places people in our lives who are the mirror image of the person we used to be, the person we aren't proud of, the person we desire to be rid of, that person that we no longer want to be. And I think he allows us to be in situations like this to humble us, to see what it is that others had to deal with, to see how far we've come and still have to go, to help us grow in character and in our walk with Him, and to allow us to now be a blessing to that person.

If you are a person with any kind of self awareness, you are probably a person who wants to grow in character, whether you're a Christian or not. I think most of us desire to be a better person. There was a time when our petty, selfish behavior could be chalked up to being young and dumb and people would allow you some growing room because they realized that you were, in fact, still growing. However, there comes a time when the young and dumb excuse has to be thrown out the window and we all have to be held accountable for our actions and words. 

I have said many times that I'm not proud of the person I used to be. I was abused by my mother's ex-husband, my heart had been hardened and I used that as an excuse to not forgive others, to lash out or be boastful and prideful and I definitely did not have a filter on my mouth. I was brash and bitter and many times I was just downright rude. I hurt others and I did things that I knew were morally wrong. My poor choices and lack of a relationship with God, even though I had been saved, finally led me to a place where I had to ask myself, "How did I get here?" And when it came right down to it, I was the one who led me to that point in life. I was the one who wasn't walking with God, not the other way around. 

And now, there are people in my life who behave as I did. AND IT DRIVES ME NUTS! It is a true test of my patience and my faith to deal with the lies, the false accusations, the drama, the stress, and the heartache that these people cause me. And because I am an immature Christian, meaning that I have much room to grow, all I can do is pray for these people because I feel like talking to them is like beating my head against a wall. I want to do more, but I realize that they aren't ready to hear or accept that. We each have a testimony so we can help others who are walking the same walk. However, when a person is too blind or prideful or whatever to recognize what is holding them back and they have no desire to change, there is little else to do other than to pray for them and to pray for yourself in your dealings with them.

Lord, I come to you now to pray for individuals with a hardened heart, whether they realize they have one or not and I pray that You use my actions and words in an appropriate way that would glorify You and bless others, keep me humble and compassionate, let Your light shine out of my fingers and toes, each strand of hair, and the words of my mouth. I lift these people up to You, for You to bless their lives, and I pray that their hearts be open to receive the blessings and corrections of You. I pray that they have a desire to know You, our Mighty God. I pray that Your grace, mercy, and forgiveness be extended to each of us and that we extend it to others. In Your most holy name, Amen. 

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