August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A thankful heart: day 1

Today I am thankful for two good ultrasounds! God has blessed us with a growing little bean and, so far, he/she is developing as he/she should. I think I was more nervous for the second ultrasound, I'm not sure why. I told D that I felt like my heart was beating in my throat and my stomach. Mom asked me after the first ultrasound if we could see the heart beating and yes, we could. It reminded me of how a cartoon character's heart almost beats out of their chest when they are lovestruck. The second time it just looked more like a fluttering motion. We will be having weekly ultrasounds for the next few weeks because the doctor wants to monitor me closely due to my history and I'm thankful for a great doctor!

Also today, as a pregnant woman, I am thankful for milk of magnesia. Enough said. lol

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