August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A thankful heart: day 27 and 28

Day 27
Today I am thankful for humidifiers and lotion. The air here is so dry that my skin is snake-like, dry and flaky and so dehydrated that I sometimes have cottonmouth to the point that I feel like I'm choking. And my nose is so dry that my nasal passages have begun to bleed and I had (TMI alert) several sores that wouldn't heal. Thanks to the humidifier, lotion, neosporin, nasal moisturizer spray and lots and lots of water I'm now feeling better.

Day 28
Today I am thankful for prayer. When I am stressed or worried I know that I can go straight to the Lord in prayer and instantly feel better. I tend to pray a lot in the shower and during my 45 minute commute. These aren't the only two times I pray, but these are times that I'm almost guaranteed to be alone and have little risk of interruption. When my mood drops or when I need to feel hopeful I know that I can be restored in the Lord through prayer. I can't get that anywhere else.

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