August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

A thankful heart: day 16

Today I am thankful that nightmares can remain just that, a nightmare, and not a reality. A couple of days ago I had a dream that I had an ultrasound and there was no heartbeat - which was the only part of the dream that felt real. The rest of it was so nonsensical that I was conscious of the fact that I was dreaming, but when I got the ultrasound results I had to start convincing myself that I was dreaming and that it wasn't really happening. In my dream I had taken my brother to Barnes & Noble in Tulsa to buy work pants - you can see how that doesn't make sense. While we were there I got an ultrasound - yes, in Barnes & Noble, and they sent the results off to Cincinnati and a woman at a call center called me 3 hours later with the results and she was very nonchalant about it, like she couldn't even grasp the gravity of the words she was speaking. Total nonsense. I immediately began to try to be rational and convince myself that none of it was true. People don't buy clothes at Barnes & Noble and they certainly don't get ultrasounds there, either. Then my alarm went off and thank goodness that nightmare went back into the darkness. As Gandalf would say, "Go back to the shadow!" :)

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