August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Things that go bump in the night

A few nights ago I had a very .......... um .......... unique experience. We were in bed and I was laying on my stomach and my toes were barely hanging off the end of the bed. All of a sudden it felt like someone was pressing a knife across the ends of the bottom side of my toes. I woke up just enough to be aware of the pain, which wasn't excruciating, but was just uncomfortable at that point. At first I thought D's raptor claw toenails were digging into me. But, then I remembered that his toenails had been trimmed off short the night before. Plus, I felt around with my leg and his feet were waaaaay over on his side of the bed. I could hear Marilyn snoring under the bed, so I knew it wasn't her and Diamond was asleep beside the wall. Then the pain got deeper, like this knife was really being pushed deep into my skin. I was immediately fully awake and started screaming and jumped out of the bed as my heart began to race and I threw the covers back, thinking there must be a spider or something there. There was nothing there. Again, I'm telling you there was nothing there. I inspected the area thoroughly. D slept through it and the next morning he only vaguely remembered me having a fit in the night. I have yet to figure out what it was, so until I do I'm just going with the story that I was "touched" in the night, because that just sounds spooky lol

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