August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

A thankful heart: days 21-26 (wow)

I kind of fell behind. Oops.

Day 21
Today I am thankful for safe travels. We gathered with family for a memorial service for my Grandma Betty and Grandpa Rex's today. On our way home about 8:30 that night we passed a bad wreck in Mannford. D got called to a car fire west of our little town. My mother-in-law, Karen, sister-in-law, Lindsay, and her boyfriend, Dan, arrived from St. Louis a couple of hours later. Later that night D had to respond to a structure fire in town and had his first experience entering a burning building. I'm thankful we are all safe.

Day 22
Thanksgiving Day and today I am thankful for the gathering of family. My parents and D's aunt and uncle joined us for the grand feast. Jakob was impressed with all of the food and said it was delicious. Mom toodled around on the 4-wheeler before dinner and we had a TON of food. On a side note, the smell of turkery wreaked havoc on my prenatal body. Every time I smelled it I felt a little sick. But, determined to eat it, I had a few pieces with my cranberry tangerine salad.

Day 23
Today I am thankful for headache medicine. I didn't have a headache, but late in the day (after a long day) Jakob and Lindsay did. I took Jakob to the school at 8:00 to ride the bus to the scrimmage in Sperry. The rest of us, minus D because he was working, left about 8:45. I planned to get some donuts and sausage rolls in town when I dropped Jakob off, but they were closed, so we had to settle for McDonald's in Sand Springs on our way to the scrimmage. I made the mistake of assuming there would be some concessions at the scrimmage to hold me over until lunch and my small breakfast did not last. Jakob rode the bus home and we went to Skiatook to eat mexican. Once again, we made a poor assumption that they would be open. So, we settled for Mazzio's pizza buffet instead. That evening all of us, including D this time, went to Stillwater to eat at Eskimo Joe's and introduce Dan to their cheese fries. Jakob had a headache when we left and Lindsay hit her head on the counter when she stood up after petting one of the dogs and she also had a headache. Jakob felt so bad that he barely touched his food, but his dad got to see us on the webcam and we all waved to him. Thankfully, Mom's house isn't too far from Joe's and we stopped in for ibuprofen and both Jakob and Lindsay were all fixed up. Mom and Bill weren't home, yet, so D and I rearranged the food in their pantry and opened all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. We like to let Mom know we've been there.

Day 24
Today I am thankful for the Christmas spirit. I got the tree down after our guests headed home and Jakob and I got it put up and decorated. I got him a keepsake ornament to celebrate his year in the US and he put it on the tree first.
Day 25
Today I am thankful for Facebook. I know it sounds like a stupid thing, but today it was quite helpful for me. Several months ago the bulb went out on our TV in the living room. Someone told me a new bulb was about $400, so I never checked into getting it repaired. D wanted a bigger TV anyway, so he just sent me to the store for a new one. The old TV has since been sitting idle in front of the fireplace. We decided to donate it to the Habitat ReStore in Stillwater in the hopes that someone could use it for a parts TV. However, getting it to Stillwater when they were open and we weren't working turned out to be quite a challenge. So, it just sat. And sat. And sat. And sat. I was so sick of looking at it that I decided to put it on Facebook on a couple of barter/sell groups and hope that someone would take it. I really didn't think anyone would want it because of the bulb issue. But, when I had about 15 responses within minutes of posting it, I wondered if the bulb replacement was really $400 or if it was a lot cheaper. The lady who ended up "winning" the TV came and picked it up and I think she said the bulb was less than $80. WOW. Mom was po'd because I tried to get her to take the TV at least 10 times and she kept saying no. Guess the joke was on her. Or maybe it's on me for not just getting the TV fixed instead of spending money on a new one. lol

Day 26
Today I am thankful for quiet. After a week of hustle and bustle, all is quiet once again and we are returning to a normal routine. Jakob is back in school, D and I have a couple of days off together and it's nice to just relax. The tree is up, the stockings are hung, presents are wrapped. I have a few more to buy, but for the most part, I am finished. It's time to just sit back and enjoy this time.

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