August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, April 8, 2013

The mother ship has failed me

Last Monday night we were all set and ready to watch the Cardinals play the Diamondbacks for opening day of the 2013 MLB season. The game came on at 9:00 our time and at 9:45 the screen suddenly blacked out. There were a few "What the ....." and some "That's bull****" uttered around the room. I've waited months for baseball season, don't block me! A message appeared on the screen and I went to the website that was listed and according to that, we shouldn't have been blacked out. So, I told D to call our satellite provider and find out what was going on.

It turns out that it was not the satellite provider, but the network carrying the game that decided to black it out in our area about 3 or 4 innings in. What a bunch of caca! We pay to have that channel and then they just black us out?! I am outraged.

The game was being carried on a channel owned by The Mothership. If you watch or listen to The Dan Patrick Show, you know who I'm talking about. The satellite provider said they didn't have an alternate channel set up to carry the game because it wasn't supposed to be blacked out. However, they already had an alternate set up for the following night.  Later in the week, another network (one dedicated solely to professional baseball) blacked us out of another Cardinals game.  What the what?!

Is it just me or does it seem like a huge disservice to customers and just downright highway robbery for a network to do this? I can't believe that it's even legal. We pay for their service, they should provide it. Call me old school, but I think that if you're paying for a service, you ought to receive what you pay for. Apparently, that's too much to ask for in our greedy society. I'm not sure if we have to pay extra to not be blacked out or if there's no way around it. Either way, it's a ripoff because we've already paid for the channel.

Rant over. You may now return to your normal patrol. Peace out, peeps!

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