August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Friday, April 12, 2013

New organizer

I am one of those anal retentive individuals who likes to have all of her crap hidden behind closed doors.  I like organization, everything with a place and in its place.  I dislike clutter, however I routinely have a large amount of it in my home, I'm not sure how that happens, I blame it on living with the opposite sex.  It took me a while to get used to the glass front cabinets in our kitchen and I always make sure the dishes are "just so" and if they get messed up, I HAVE to fix them.  I also put all of our bathroom towels away with the folded side out because it looks neater and I can't stand to see the unfolded side sticking out.  Boy, don't you wish you lived with me?  I sound like a barrel of fun.  Don't worry, I don't gripe when it's not done my way, I know I'm anal and I just fix it and go on.  D used to purposely mess them up after I'd fix them and after a few weeks of that, I lost my mind and had a meltdown he quit.

When we lived in town, D and I had separate bathrooms and I had bought him a small container to put his countertop items in to keep them organized and out of the way.  When we moved here several years ago we merged into one bathroom.  And ever since, I've been looking for some sort of organizer or box or container to put all of our crap in.  But, it had to be pretty, not necessarily fancy, but not ugly and I wanted a flip-top lid to keep dust and powder out.  About two weeks ago I got all hard core about finding a container of some kind, I'd finally had my fill of the bathroom counter clutter.  I spent hours in stores and online looking for something.  Finally, I found one that I thought would work, but having had buyers remorse before, I didn't order it right away.  Instead, I looked at the clutter for another week before pulling the trigger.

Here it is in place.  This is the Household Essentials Paper Rope Curved Basket that I ordered from  It was $19.97 when I ordered it and this week it's been rolled back to $15.47 with free shipping to your local store.  I got mine in less than 5 days.  I wish that the bottom were perfectly flat and not woven, but it works and it hides all of our crap and it makes me happy.  D walked in, saw it and said he didn't like it and that it was too big.  I told him tough.  :)

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