August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I got whewed

During my 29th week of pregnancy, I went to Walmart to pick up the bathroom basket I'd ordered and I had on what I thought was an unbelievably cute outfit.  I felt good that day and was strutting my sassy pregnant stuff as I walked back to the photo department when a man approaching me from the opposite direction looked down at my belly and said, "Wwwwwwwhhhhhhheeeeeeewwwwww!" with raised eyebrows as he passed by.  Not like, "Hey, there's a hot mama," but like, "Holy crap!  That woman is HUGE!"  I ignored him and kept walking, but on the inside my mouth was gaping open, my eyes were wide with shock and I was screaming, "What the ****?!"

I realize that my tummy is growing exponentially these days, but really?!  My tummy warrants a "Whew!" from strangers at 29 weeks?  Oh, honey, please.  I'll admit that some days our little man is riding low and I can barely walk, like an old milk cow with a full bag.  But, on that day, he was in his normal position and I don't think I was even waddling.  Here's my pregnant hormonal advice for the day:  I do not want to be whewed by anyone but myself or my hubby until I'm about 36 weeks along.  So, until then, hold your tongues, peeps.  And, like Thumper says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all."  :)

On another note, I want another 3D/4D ultrasound so I can have another picture of his face.  It's more like I NEED another one.  I don't feel impatient for him to be born (Who's ready for dirty diapers?  Not this girl!), just impatient about seeing his face.  Does he look more like me or D?  Does he still have his Daddy's cleft chin?  Does he have his Daddy's long, beautiful eyelashes?  Oh, I sure hope so!  I keep telling myself that I only have about 8 weeks to go and to just be patient.  Prayers for patience appreciated.

And if you know anyone who'd enjoy being my unpaid dirty diaper changer and spit-up catcher, let me know.  :)

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