August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Friday, April 26, 2013

Snips & snails & puppy dog tails

There are some things in life that I have a severe dislike of and try to avoid at all costs. Things like snakes. Or sharks. Or hoards of spiders or other insects. Dealing with a couple of spiders is okay, but when a swarm of them comes out of an old piece of wood or a hole in the ground, I tend to get the shakes and almost puke and have a minor freak out. Also, the type of shoe I have one will play a large role in how I respond.  Flip flops = run away screaming. Boots or tennis shoes (aka sneakers) = stomp it to death. I know most boys like to dig in the dirt and shoot their BB guns and chase critters and pretend to be Daniel Boone or Davy Crocket, and knowing how my husband is, I'm sure our little man will be just like him and love snakes and terrorize me or scare the poo out of me on a regular basis as he grows.

I do not like snakes.

I do not like snakes.

I do not like snakes.

If I see a snake I will almost puke, a response I've had to them my entire life. I cannot explain it, I just don't like snakes. Poisonous, not poisonous - doesn't matter. I don't like snakes. Even if I see one on TV, I will start to gag. D likes to grab them and bring them in the house. What is wrong with this man? I don't understand. Leave them outside and preferably somewhere far away from the house. D has had hours of enjoyment from my phobia over the years. So, yesterday he sent me this:

     I was just sitting here thinking, what are you going to do when someday our little boy comes
     running in the house and says, "Mommy! Mommy! Look what I found!" And you turn around
     to see your little boy holding a snake in the house. You can't scream, he might drop it and it
     could go under the furniture. How funny will that be!!!! =D

He knows me too well.  And, oddly enough, I had had that same thought the day before. Snakes, frogs and other gross things in the house - I don't think I'm prepared. I'm not afraid of frogs, I just don't care to hold them. They're slimy and they pee on you. Or lizards. I had a pet iguana once, that didn't go so well, either. I would pick him up and handle him and pet him and whatnot, but he got loose in the house once and, needless to say, I stayed on the couch, like on the highest part of the back of the couch, while someone else hunted the thing down. He just darted everywhere and that gave me the willies. He ended up finding a new home with a Marine who let him ride around on his shoulder. I'm sure he was a much happier iguana with the Marine than he was with me. I like soft animals, like snuggly dogs and cats or horses or bunnies. I even like cute little goats (so adorable when the babies jump around) frolicky calves and fuzzy wittle sheep. Or lions and tigers and bears, oh my! They're adorable, not that I need to pet one, I just like looking at them and imagining that they can talk. I have issues. Yes, I grew up in the country, on a ranch, working horses and cattle and hauling hay and there have only been a few things in life that truly scare me or give me the willies. But reptiles ..... not my cup 'o tea. I can deal with dirt, mud, snot, poop, puke, fits, screaming, bumps, bites, bruises, fights, nightmares, blood, guts, sweat and tears, but if this boy brings a snake in the house, I may have a heart attack.  :)

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