August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obsessed with toilet paper

As a pregnant woman, I have become way too acquainted with public bathrooms in recent months.  And I have just one question, whose idea was it to put the toilet paper dispensers so low to the ground?  I realize that I'm tall for a girl, but when we sit on the toilet, that's irrelevant.  I don't understand the logic behind putting the toilet paper dispenser so low that you have to bend ALL THE WAY OVER to get to it.  What is up with that?  It would be uncomfortable if I wasn't pregnant, but with a basketball sized middle, bending over to try to get to the toilet paper is just exhausting.  Even a handicapped person has to be ON the toilet and if they have physical disabilities, they may not be able to bend over that far.  Raise the toilet paper dispensers, please!

And when did they start putting toilets right next to the stall wall?  Like so close that when you squat down, your hips touch the wall.  That's just gross.  Or my butt is just fat.  I'm going with gross.  And doors that open inward to a stall that's already too small to accommodate a hobbit?  Sometimes I wonder what contractors, designers and owners are thinking when they design their bathrooms. 

The grossest thing I've experienced in my new relationship with public bathrooms was a woman who didn't wash her hands, but knew I was in the stall so she pretended like she did.  No kidding.  She turned the water on for one second ..... literally, one second.  Then she ran her hand under the automatic dryer to make it come on, but she apparently didn't know that I heard her open the door and I saw her shoes exit the bathroom, so I assume the rest of her body went with her feet.  GROSS!  Wash your hands, you nasty thing!  And this was at Walmart, so if you think that there's no need to wipe down and disinfect the cart when you come into the store, you'd be mistaken.  There are non-hand-washers touching everything in there!  Okay, I'll stop so we can all go puke now.

In other news, we're out of toilet paper in the spare bathroom.  Guess who changed the roll?

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