August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sacking groceries

What is it with people not knowing how to properly sack groceries? The last few times I've been to the store the cashier/checker/whatever their title is now had absolutely no clue how to sack groceries.

I worked at two different grocery stores when I was in high school and both of them trained their employees how to properly bag groceries. Do not put mouse bait in with the produce. You'd think that would be a no brainer, wouldn't you? Don't put shampoo, paint thinner or household cleaners in with foods. Don't smash bread, chips, light bulbs or other fragile or soft items. Don't put all of the heavy items in one bag. If you have boxes (like crackers, etc) use them on the sides to stabilize the bag and fill the middle with other stuff, heavy items on the bottom and light items on top. Put the chicken in a bag of its own. Don't set canned goods on top of produce. Just a few suggestions, here - all of which seem like common sense to me.  But, as we are learning on a daily basis, common sense isn't so common anymore.

I place my groceries on the conveyer belt in the order I want them bagged and it never ceases to amaze me that some nimrod will not follow the order I have and will fish around through all of the items and put all of the lightweight items in one bag, then put all of the heavy items, like canned goods, in another bag or smash my bread or break my light bulbs. What is the logic behind this? I don't understand. And don't think that I won't express my disgust to the cashier. I bring my own cloth shopping bags and they're much sturdier than the plastic ones, but that doesn't mean that you should sack all of the heavy items in one bag. I still have to carry it! So, unless you're going to follow me home and unload the groceries for me, don't be a jerk and bag them incorrectly.

Thank you.

Rant over. It's a Monday. We're allowed to rant on Monday, right?

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