August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The flashlight game

I heard about the flashlight game in one of my weekly emails from  The basic concept is to place the flashlight against your belly and your baby will react to it by reaching for it and trying to play with it, thus causing your belly to move for all to see.

You can see a little bit of my very stretched out tattoo.  "Tis a cowgirl.  What else did you expect?

I held the flashlight in one place for a little bit and when it didn't move, I'd pick a new spot.
Kind of looks like lava flowing into my belly button, huh?
And alas, much like the pencil test, this game of hocus pocus didn't really work.  After about 10 minutes of trying to get a reaction I gave up.  And, of course, as soon as I took the light away my little man started moving.  Typical kid, they never show off when you want them to.

A couple of nights later, I was adjusting my sleep position in the middle of the night (can I get a "Hell yeah!" from all the current and former pregos out there?!) and I rolled onto my right side to try to ease some hip pain.  He must have not liked it and it must have squished his little feet because about 3 seconds later he started kicking me repeatedly on my right side.  Not like he was putting pressure on me to try to create space, oh no, it was a repetitive "Get off of me, woman!" kind of kick.  I adjusted a little so that my belly wasn't resting so much on the mattress and that still didn't suffice, so I ended up having to roll back onto my left side.  I had to laugh because this is SO something that my claustrophobic self would do.  "Hey!  You're cramping my space up in here!  Shove off, man!  I can't breathe!"  And then I thought what if he acts like me?  Noooooooooooo!  Oh, honey, I will be one very frustrated individual if he acts like me.  One of me is enough, two is too many.  Let's all join hands and pray that he inherits none of my unlovely traits.  My husband thanks you.

1 comment:

  1. if he inherits any of your unlovely traits, you KNOW your mama will be snickering in a corner where you can't see her, lol
