August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, April 22, 2013

A few small wins

Sometimes, you have to take stock of the things you've accomplished and not focus on the things you weren't able to get to so that you don't feel like a complete failure.  So, here are a few things I accomplished last week:

1.  I shaved my legs. Twice. It's getting harder and harder for me to bend over or lift my leg up high enough to shave, so the fact that I managed to do this is awe inspiring. Control your giddiness, please. However, I will say this, you would think that my leg hairs would grow like weeds since I'm on prenatal vitamins.  My hair (on my head) is super thick and growing uncontrollably, but my leg hair is very short and soft.  ???

2.  I did an all over body scrub. Nothing like silky soft skin to make you feel better.

3.  I had my hair colored. Another feel good move - highlights and red that matches my roots = awesome!

4.  I had my eyebrows waxed. This is one of life's little pleasures. I absolutely love getting my eyebrows waxed. I don't have a lot of dark hairs, mine are mostly strawberry blonde, but it gets rid of all the peach fuzz and makes me feel clean.  And cleanliness is next to Godliness.  :)

5.  I had a pedicure. I can no longer reach my feet with ease, so this was a must. I gave myself a pedicure a couple of months ago and I told D that I wouldn't be doing that again; it was time to farm that duty out and pay someone else to do it.

6.  I had a manicure. I just haven't felt motivated enough to do my nails like I normally do and they were looking pretty ragged and tired. And there was no way that I was going to my own baby shower with raggedy looking nails.  This is also the reason I had my har did (that's "hair done" for you northerners and foreigners, this refers to a cut, trim, perm, color or any other fancy thing you pay someone to do to your hair).

7.  I didn't eat ice cream for breakfast. I had my oil changed and the shop is right across the street from Braum's. Shawna and I had made an ice cream run earlier in the week and I'd been craving a Reese's Mix ever since. I had about 20 minutes until my hair appointment and I REALLY wanted that mix to supplement the Cheerios I'd had 45 minutes earlier. But, I resisted and man, was it tough! I drank my water and pretended to be happy about it. However, on an epic fail note, I had Orange Leaf twice.

8.  I didn't buy ice cream when I went grocery shopping. Oh, I went down the aisle, but I bought frozen fruit and yogurt bars, instead. The Blue Bell tubs of Butter Crunch and Red Velvet Cake were calling my name, but I just told them to shut up and I walked out with something a little healthier.

9.  I took several naps. I used to think that naps were overrated, but the older I get, the more important naps have become and the more the better.

10.  I received a lot of nice gifts from friends and family at my baby shower. My friends/hostesses made everything look very nice and I loved the country/cowboy decor!  Now I have a few things left to buy and since I have less than 2 months to go, I need to get on it! If anyone would like to loan me their credit card, that would be awsome blossom! :)

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