August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Old farts in class

D and I went to our first labor and delivery class this week and I think my Mom was more excited than we were. We only have 14 weeks to go until our due date, so the countdown is on! We're excited, but we're still in the go-with-the-flow mindset and we're not too amped up about things. We have some items on our to-do list to take care of, but we haven't lost our minds, yet.  Five things from class:

1. I think we were the oldest couple in the class. Everyone looked SO young! One couple looked like they were 15, but since the dude had on a "Seniors 2006" t-shirt, I assume they just look younger than they are. But, I would guess that everyone else in the class was in their 20's, maybe one or two around 30. Us old farts rocked that class! However, I'm glad I waited until I was in my thirties to start a family. I'm much more laid back and mature than I used to be and better established financially than I was in my 20's. I think I'll be a much better parent at 36 than I ever would have been at 26.

2. I do not want to hear anyone tell me that my belly looks small for being 6 1/2 months along. There were women in the class who are due in April and I was as big as they are. Those women are small. Me, not so much.

3. D and I have the same ideas about birth. We were asked to finish this sentence, "Childbirth is _____." I filled in the blank with "gross" and he said "messy". At least we're on the same page. He's had experience with a human birth before, I have not, but I have seen animals give birth and I watched the birth video on and I concur, messy and gross it sure is.

4. There must be something in the water in this county because all but two couples in the class are having boys and there were probably 20 couples.  One couple was being surprised, so they could be boy-bound, as well. During the meet and greet, every couple introduced themselves and I was shocked at how many of us are having boys. If you're looking to get pregnant and you want a girl, don't drink the water around here!

5. Our boy moved around and ninja kicked and karate chopped the entire time we were in class. He must have known that we were talking about his coming entrance into this world and it excited him. Either that or he's comfy where he's at and doesn't want to come out and was expressing his displeasure with the impending introductions. However, his movements were a welcome change to me. I have been sick - AGAIN - for the last week and over the weekend he didn't move much, which is always concerning to me. So, to have him bouncing around again makes me feel better.

After class we went home and I enjoyed a cupful of this:

It was awesome!  It tasted just like red velvet cake - my fave, by the way.  I think I will have some more tonight. Maybe two cupfuls. Or three. Or maybe I'll just have it for dinner instead of dessert.

1 comment:

  1. watcihng someone else's (or an animal's) birth might be gross from the outside looking in, but when it's yours or your baby being born, it's not nearly as gross as you expect. Maybe it's because when you're the one birthing, you don't get the bird's eye view, you're so in the moment going from contraction to contraction, you could care less about how it looks, your focus is on survival.

    I'm sure maturity will definately help and y'all will do great!!
