August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Buying nursery furniture

Of all the nursery items we have to buy, the crib and dresser were really what I have obsessed about.  We're pretty laid back about everything that's going on and pretty much have a just-go-with-the-flow kind of attitude.  But, I confess, the thought of buying furniture made me feel a little stressed.  I hated to buy something that I couldn't put my hands on, something that I just had to rely on the reviews of others.  Because, let's face it, some people do not know how to write an effective and informative product review.  Saying things like, "It's beautiful, so happy I bought it!" tells me nothing about the quality of the product.  Is it sturdy?  Does the finish scratch easily?  Was it difficult to assemble?  What is the quality of the construction?  If you had to deal with the manufacturer's customer service, were they helpful, rude, ambivalent?  We looked at furniture at one of the gynormous baby super chain stores and we found that we were not happy with the quality - the drawer bottoms were as thin as paper!  How in the heck is that supposed to hold anything of weight and last for years?!  I'm a tightwad and I'm not going to waste my money on a piece of crap that's going to fall apart in a year or two.  So, I have researched and researched and window shopped and online shopped and we finally decided to spend the money on good quality furniture.  My friend, Robbie Lee, who owns a furniture store, and her husband recommended this line from Young America - which they have for their nursery.  It's made in the US and it's not made from glued together particle board - two pluses in my book!  The company offers a mix and match style, numerous finish colors and the bed converts as the child grows.  We ordered the crib, conversion kit and dresser this week and it will be delivered around the last of April or first part of May, which works out perfectly because that's about the time Jakob will be going home and we will be able to start converting his room into the nursery.  I can't wait to get these pieces in place and decorate!  :)

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