August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trip to the mall

Last week I took a little trip to the mall in Tulsa.  Here's my woe ..... they're called tatas and they're huge.  If this subject offends you, feel free to stop reading now.

We all know I'm pregnant and with that I have filled out extensively ..... all over and especially in the bust region.  I've always been a Victoria's Secret bra and panty girl, but I know that the largeness I'm experiencing is temporary, so I really couldn't justify spending a large amount of money on bras that I'm only going to wear for a short period of time.  So, being a cheapskate, I went to a department store and tried on some bras.  All of which made me feel squished and pushed my girls into my armpits.  YUCK!  How's that for a visual?  But, I was desperate to buy something that I didn't spill out of, so I bought one bra and hoped that it would suffice until I found something better.

Let me explain why it is that I like VS bras - because the wires don't poke me or dig in.  It's that simple, oh and they make your girls look awesome.  I'm vain, I want them to look good and I want the bra to be comfy, so VS is my store of choice.  Sue me.  I bought two new bras online in November, carefully taking my measurements and ordering according to their size chart.  Guess what?  The bras weren't big enough.  *SIGH*  I've been toughing it out ever since until last week when I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was super excited when I walked into the store, only to have my bubble deflated when I discovered that my favorite bra does not come in super-gynormous-pregnant-boobie size.  The young girl who was helping me was very nice and quite attentive, running back and forth to get different bras for me to try on.  After the first one she asked if I liked it and if it fit, and all I could say was, "Um......"  She looked and also said, "Um....."  Even though I was in the right size for my measurements, we went up in band and cup size and I tried on 8 or 10 bras before I declared, "We have a winner!"  She told me that several pregnant women and post-pregnant women had been in the store over the last week, all having the same problem (not being able to find a bra), but that I was the largest breasted one she'd seen so far.  That is not encouraging.

After spending my paycheck at VS, I asked where the nearest restroom was.  Much to my chagrin, she said that the main ones in that section of the mall were closed and I'd have to go down to the food court or to one of the department stores.  I waddled down to the food court, except I couldn't find a bathroom - ANYWHERE.  I continued walking to see if there were some open bathrooms in the other end of the mall and finally stopped and asked a young man at a kiosk and he pointed me in the direction of Macy's for the nearest potty stop.  At this point, I hadn't been to the bathroom in about 2 hours, which in pregnancy speak is like 2 days.  I NEEDED TO GO!  When I walked into Macy's I asked where the restroom was and the nice lady pointed me to the back of the store.  I felt the wind slip out of my sails.  I didn't know how much further I could make it.  Then she began ohhing and ahhing over my belly and asked how far along I was and if I was having a boy or a girl and how awful it was that the bathroom was in the back of the store.  I was polite and didn't interrupt her, but the dam holding back my bladder was about to let loose.  Plus, I was out of breath after having walked the entire length of the mall in search of the restroom.  Finally, I was able to get away and waddle to the back of the store - where there was no sign for the restroom.  So, I had to ask another associate, except when I asked my words came out in huffs as I concentrated on not peeing my pants.  She was nice enough to ask if I was okay and I said yes, that I just needed the bathroom and a teenage girl texting on her phone laughed.  Finally, I made it to the restroom!  Amen!  Now I had to waddle all the way back down to the other end of the mall to go to Motherhood.  Needless to say, I got in my walking exercise that day.

The Motherhood store is my new best friend and I think if I could get away with it, I might live in maternity clothes for forever.  They're actually quite flattering and comfortable and cute.  Plus, I love this thing in the dressing room:

If you haven't figured out what it is, it's to simulate a baby bump so you can buy clothes that you will grow into.  I got a few new shirts and some pants and then rewarded myself with a chocolate white chocolate chip doozie cookie (chocolate cookies, white chocolate chips, icing in the middle to make a super chocolate sandwich = YUMMERIFIC!).  And just to be on the safe side, I bought an extra one for later.  You never know when the craving will hit and you can't get those doozie cookies just anywhere.  :)


  1. First of all, bless your heart. Second of all, there is a Bali / Hanes store in Oklahoma City you need to visit because sometimes the breasts that grow with mommy hormones don't go away after the baby gets here . . . . <- voice of experience (I started off a size C and after 3 kids, let's just say I increased nearly a cup size per kid.) Hanes / Bali stores have very reasonable priced bras (+/- $20/ea), the sizes you need AND they've even got some really cute ones in larger sizes, to many (my) delight. Good luck. You look fabulous!!

  2. Jennifer Hixson KimmelApril 1, 2013 at 3:20 PM

    Welcome to my world! Except mine never go away. And as time marches on they just get worse. Like avoid the mirror worse. So I feel your pain cousin, just pray they go back to normal (they should) and be thankful you weren't given huge tatas to carry around and try to fit in a pretty bra for life. I can't ever find anything pretty that will fit or I don't have to special order. And the permenant dents from all that weight on my shoulders are AWESOME! So hang in there a few more months and then you'll have your regular tatas back I'm sure :) Unless you plan on breast feeding that is. Then those bras and trying to shop for one you like and is pretty will kill you lol. But I think you'll be okay it will all work out... :)
