August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Flat butt

This pregnancy is making my butt go flat.


I have always had a very round, shelf-like badonkadonk and now the topside is flattening out.  Either that or there's a new fat deposit on the topside that makes it look flat.  I'm not sure which.  I assume this is a combination of weight gain from the pregnancy and a lack of exercises like squats and lunges and other butt boosters.

Every time I get into a fitness routine again something happens and I get sidetracked and the next thing I know a month has gone by and I haven't exercised at all.  I've had several severe sinus infections over the last few months that were so debilitating that I couldn't do anything except lay in the recliner and suffer.  I was healthy for 2 weeks, was walking every day and using my free weights and then I got sick again.  And between being sick and going to my PCP, OB, chiropractor, birth classes and just normal every day activities, I've been too worn out to exercise.  I declare a mulligan!  I want a do-over!  I'm tired of inactivity!  I'm hoping this current sinus infection hits the road soon and I can stop coughing, stop hacking up my lung every 10 minutes, stop blowing my nose all of the time and get into a routine of healthy activity!

And I'd really like to be able to sing without sounding like a pack-a-day smoker.

And I'd really like to be able to breathe without sounding like a poor, dying beached whale sucking air through it's blow hole.  It's not the extra weight that's making me wheeze, it's the snot.  Sorry.

On another note, my lips seem to be fatter than pre-prego.  Not sure what's up with that.  I think I'm going to have to start farming out certain duties of personal hygiene, like shaving my legs.  I think I'd just rather pay someone to shave them than to have to bend over in the shower and try to do it myself.  And if my butt outgrows Victoria's Secret panties, I'm going to cry.  A lot.

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