August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In the early morning...

5:15 am

1.  Step outside to see if there are any armadillos or other critters in the yard.

2.  Shoot said armadillo.

3.  Let the babies out to potty.

4.  Notice a super bright star in the eastern sky that you think must be a planet.

5.  Haul the telescope out to the front porch so you can investigate.

6.  Spend 10 minutes trying to find the "star" in the viewfinder because it's early and your brain is foggy.

7.  Find said "star", which is actually Venus, and marvel that you can actually see a planet so clearly and tear up a little bit at the majesty of the moment.

8.  Yell in a whisper, because you don't want to wake those who are still sleeping inside, at the babies as they chase after several petes. Run, pete, run!

9.  Watch the girls prance back pridefully as if they really got pete, when in reality he ran under the fence and the girls couldn't go any further.

10.  Haul the telescope back inside while trying to not trip over the babies as they run around your legs, fighting to get in the door first.

11.  Realize you're now running late, skip breakfast and forget your lunch on the counter as you rush out the door.

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