August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Don't judge a book by it's cover

When I was in high school I read romance novels ALL the time. Romance novels and Cosmo magazine - teachers took them away from me on a regular basis. I would sometimes skip lunch so I could save up enough money to buy them - don't tell my Mom. One student teacher thought he was going to get the best of me by telling me I could read them while he talked, as long as any time he asked me a question I had the right answer. Unbeknownst to him, I could read and listen at the same time, so he was a little surprised when I answered his questions correctly. He still took my book away. lol

After high school, I stopped reading romance novels and got into mysteries, thrillers and spy/espionage type novels for several years. But, last year I got a Nook Color and there were quite a few romance novels that were free or extremely cheap, so I thought, "Why not?" and downloaded a few.

This was one of those books.

"When All My Dreams Come True" by Janelle Mowery
Part of the Colorado Runaway series

Or so I thought. I downloaded it months ago and when I got ready to read it earlier this week I couldn't remember what the description said. But, based on the cover and title, I thought it must be a period romance novel, something set in the Old West - my favorite kind of romance novel! It didn't take me long to figure out that this book was a little different.

It was definitely a period novel. And it was definitely a romantic novel. But, the minute the author brought faith into the mix, I knew I was in for a new ride. I've never read a Christian Romance novel before and I have to say, this book was VERY good! It had all of the romance and love a girl could want, but none of the in-depth intimacy (you know what I'm talking about) of, what I lovingly refer to as, "smut novels". I'm a real sinner - I went in expecting a smutty book and the Lord sent me one about faith and love. Maybe he was sending me a message?

If you're looking for a quick, easy, entertaining, hearfelt, make-you-drop-a-few-tears-and-make-you-feel-warm-and-fuzzy kind of read, then this book is for you! I can't wait to download the rest of the books in this series!

This is not a paid advertisement, just a country girl sharing with her friends about a book she liked.

P.S. Even though I no longer read Cosmo, I still love the way it smells when you open it up - like glossy paper and perfume! :)

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