August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

For our anniversary...

I got an email in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago.

From my husband.

While he was in bed with me.

Does your husband do this? D swears he sent it before 11pm, but it didn't come through until about 3am. Thankfully, I had my phone on silent overnight so it didn't ding at me and wake me from my peaceful slumber.

The gist of the email was this, "What I want for our anniversary." Inside was a link to game call. For the non-hunting crowd, this is a speaker-like device that emanates different animal noises to "call" in nuisances like coyotes. Do you say ki-ote or ki-o-tee? I snub the norm and just call them coteys.

The next day was when the water well sprung a leak. The game call got put on hold until we knew what the damage was on the well. D was super disappointed. I told him not to get me anything, either, but he said it was too late, he'd already ordered it. I told him to cancel it, he refused and then he made some remark about me being spoiled and him making all the sacrifices around here. I stepped away in case lightening struck him.

Thankfully, the well fix turned out to be a DIY project and we were only out about fifty bucks. Amen! Hallelujah! Whew! However, I'm still waiting for him to fill in the hole. Before I could order the game call, we took a trip to town and ventured into a new Western store - which was not on our to-do list. Impulse shopping. Tsk, tsk.

Have I ever mentioned that my Dude L-O-V-E-S, and I mean LOVES, boots made of odd animal hides? His favorite pair is made of anteater and he's worn out the soles, but he loves all kinds of exotic skinned boots. I'm a traditional-functional-no-frills-kind-of-boot girl, myself - at least when it comes to cowboy boots. I like brown, brown or brown. It hides dirt and poop.

Whilst we was a-shoppin' he found a pair of boots made from alligator tail.

I think the socks really enhance the look. Meanwhile, I found these.

They weren't my size, but darn it, they sure were cute.

He was frothing at the mouth over the alligator boots, so I gave him his choice - the boots or the game call for our anniversary, because they were almost the same price. He had to stew on it for a while, but in the end, he chose the boots. I got a new pair, too. They were brown. Shocking, I know.

He also bought me jewelry; beautiful black diamond earrings and a necklace. He likes to spoil me with jewels and I love him for it. I'd love him if he didn't, but I love that he does. :)

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