August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, February 11, 2013

Here kitty kitty

Here's a story
About our kitty kitty
Who showed up at our door the other day

His hair is black and white
And quite furry
He loves to run and play

He's quite wild
Completely feral
And he runs when we open up the door

He sleeps on the porch
On old dog beds
We bought him food at the store

He's so lucky
That we didn't run him off
And our girls can only bark at him through glass

If he didn't eat the mice
And earn his keep
Then we'd just have to boot his little a**

If you sing that like The Brady Bunch, it flows a lot better :)

So, kitty kitty showed up a few weeks ago and he won't let us get anywhere near him. But, we like cats and needed an outdoor cat, so we put out some water and cat food once D figured out that kitty kitty was sleeping on our back porch at night. When I bought new dog beds a couple of months ago, I tossed the old ones onto the back porch so I could take them to the burn barrel and then I forgot that they were there. So, they never made it to the burn barrel, which is good news for kitty kitty because the beds keep him warm at night.

We've managed to have him around for about a month and the girls have only seen him once, which turned into a hair-raised bark-a-thon. We usually put out food during the day while he's off chasing mice or whatever it is he does to keep himself busy. But, once or twice I've gone out to give him food and I've caught him still in bed. He immediately runs away and hides in the shed. I told him that I was a nice person and that I wouldn't hurt him and that I was bringing him food, but he didn't listen. I was shunned.

Today, D said kitty kitty walked right up to the door and was peering inside, like he was yelling, "Hey!!! You there! Fine fellow, hows about you bring me some food? My tummy is screaming at me!" So, D got some food and as soon as he opened the door, kitty kitty ran away, but not as far into hiding as he normally does. He came back to the porch to eat as soon as D went back inside. The little guy is learning :)

And just so you know that I'm not making it all up, here's a couple of pictures to prove that we do indeed have a kitty kitty among us :)


  1. good for y'all! That's the best kind of cat to have! One that comes around to keep the rodents away but stays out from under foot! Like your song too!

    1. That's what I am talkin' about! Hope kitty kitty and the girls learn to occupy the same property while respecting each others differences!
