August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Baby registry

On Saturday, D and I had dinner plans in OKC with friends that we don't see very often.  But, before the chow fest could begin, we went to Babies'R'Us to start our baby registry.

Holy crap, someone shoot me!  (That's a joke, people.  Nobody go crazy on me and think I'd actually ask for that.)  There is waaaaaaaay too much stuff!  We thought we'd spend an hour scanning items and maybe buy a few and then head over to the gun store and then to dinner.  THREE HOURS LATER we left Babies'R'Us.  And don't think that it was all me, because my Dude went crazy, crazy I tell you, with that scanner.  We didn't even argue over stuff, we were in agreement on everything, it just took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to scan everything.

Here he is in action.  This picture makes me smile - my Dude all happy about becoming a dad and excited to start getting baby stuff.  Initially we were having fun and thought we were progressing quickly.  Then about an hour in, it just became overwhelming.  By the end of hour two we were both sweating and stripping off coats and layers of clothing and we both had a headache.  If I could have gotten away with stripping down naked, I might have.  I was so hot that my fingers puffed up and I had to take my rings off - and I almost wasn't able to get them off!  Someone needed to turn on the air in that store.  And some cold water at the bathroom sink would have been awesome.  I sent him to the car for some Excedrin and I toughed it out because I didn't have any Tylenol with me and I can't take Excedrin.  I think I went to the bathroom fourteen times while we were there.  It may have been more like two or three, but it felt like fourteen.  And we saw one couple that was really on the ball; they were only a couple of months into their pregnancy (she didn't even have a pooch!) and already starting their registry.  I'm not on the ball like that.  It's only recently that I really started to get in gear about looking for baby stuff.  I'm dreaming of a day when all of the baby stuff I need just magically appears - washed, folded, assembled, etc. - and I never have to spend three hours in the baby store again.  We saw several couples shopping with their newborn twins and I said a quick thank-you-prayer because that wasn't us - one child at a time is plenty.

We also finally got one of these pregnant lady body pillows.  I'm too big to lay on my tummy anymore (waaaah! sniff, sniff) and sleeping on my side is difficult for me to do.  And I'd love to lay on my back, but that's a no-no, too.  Last night was my first night with the Preggle Pillow and while it helped, it's going to take some getting used to.  I tried all of the positions shown on the package and decided the one shown above was probably best for me.  I think I'll try another position tonight.

Also, in case you were wondering, we never made it to the gun store.

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