August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, online world!

Today is Rocco's first Thanksgiving, but it will not be full of tradition like I want it to be. He won't even get to spend the day with us, and this is the plight of any parent who works shift work. 

D has to go to work at 2:00 pm and I have to go to work at 11:00 pm, which means that I have to sleep today, and I can't do that with a baby to take care of. Even if D took care of him until 1:00 pm and then got ready for work, I will still need to sleep between then and when it's time to leave for work so that I can stay awake all night. I wanted to have someone watch Rocco for a few hours this afternoon so I could sleep and then he could be home this evening and sleep in his own bed. Except I would also need someone to watch him from 9:30 pm when I leave until midnight when D gets home. But, because it's Thanksgiving, there are no babysitters available, not that anyone is available in the evenings, anyway. So, I did the only thing we could do, sent him with Nana and Papa. They're going to Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sue's for the day and won't be back until this evening. Rocco will just have to stay the night with them and I will have to speed from work to Nana's house in the morning so she can get to work. Then I will bring him home and D will take care of him while I get 3 hours of sleep before he has to go to work again. And hopefully, I will survive the day.

There will be no Thanksgiving meal for us. No gathering of family. No turkey. No stuffing. No green bean casserole. No pies. No Rocco. 

Rocco will have a fun day with Nana and Papa and Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sue were excited to see him. He will be surrounded by people who love him, even if Mommy and Daddy can't be there. And I can't really ask for more than that. 

I am thankful that each year we alternate between having Christmas and Thanksgiving off. I would love to have both holidays off, but that's just not possible, so alternating is fair and we try to plan accordingly. I am thankful that Nana and Papa are here to help us out, because we truly could not do it without them. I am thankful that we have good jobs that provide us with a home to shelter us, food to fill us, clothes to warm us, and all of the necessities of life. I am thankful for many things, but I am mostly thankful for my God - my forgiving, merciful, glorious God who died for my sins. 

If, like us, you work shift work and aren't able to spend the day with your loved ones, try to make the best of it. Make another day your day of Thanksgiving or, better yet, don't wait for a holiday to be thankful and spend time with family and have special foods. If you are lucky enough to today have your loved ones with you, have a table full of food, and a house full of love, please remember those who aren't so fortunate on this day and include them in your prayers. And don't forget to say a prayer for our troops who are serving away from home. Even when life doesn't fit the "ideal standard", there is still much to be thankful for. Life is what you make of it!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You and D for serving us locally and keeping the roads and officers safe!
