August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Saturday, December 28, 2013

We are those parents

When you aren't a parent there are many times when you see a family and you think to yourself, "I would never _____." You can insert whatever judgment you have in the blank. Something like, let my child have a tantrum in a store. Or, buy my kid a toy or give him/her a reward to be quiet or for behaving. Or, one of our faves was, take my cranky child to a restaurant. 

Well, we are now those parents. 

We took D's mom to eat something swanky at Fleming's in Utica Square and about the time we were seated, someone decided he was hungry and very, very sleepy. However, I will say that he wasn't really that cranky about it, and he didn't have a screaming fit or anything like that. We managed to feed him most of his bottle and I let him waller (remember I said before that's an Okie term, and we all know that's real English) around and wear himself out. And when he fell a sleep, we did what any parent who wants to eat does ..... we laid him down on the floor. We had to lay him on our high chair cover, but the little toot laid there and slept through the rest if the meal. Score one for the 'rents! Thankfully, we were in a corner so we were able to lay him between our chairs and not have to worry about anyone stepping on him. 

We had to use a burp rag and his jacket to cover him up because one or both of us had forgotten his blanket in the car. And he laid his foot over the bottom of the high chair on his own. 

And for the record, he didn't care for the creme brûlée or the whipped cream. And the day was topped off with me leaving our container of wipes laying on the bathroom counter at Pottery Barn Kids. Hooray, me. 

1 comment:

  1. welcome to "the club!" We have all done something along these lines and live by the motto "desperate times call for desperate measures" =) you're doing great!
