August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The kids and their activities

This is what happens when you play basketball a little too aggressively. Two dislocated fingers = a temporary splint and some pain killers along with a referral to an orthopedist for a more permanent splint. I think Jakob's basketball season may be over.

And these are the many positions of Marilyn - my life is SO difficult, this bed is very comfy, go away and rub my tummy. You can see that she is quite active. And she needs a haircut.

And this is how Diamond likes to sleep - upside down, usually with her feet paralleling the wall, or on her side. She also likes to roll around on her back and rub her hair and doggy smell into the carpet after I shampoo it. She's helpful that way.

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