August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Running late

Days like today I'm glad I have a secondary, furry alarm clock that wakes me up because she needs to go outside. Normally, the girls go out about 5:00 or 5:15 and when Marilyn doesn't get to go out at that time, she will let me know within the hour that her little bladder is full and, more importantly, she wants a piece of candy (dog treat).

I set my alarm last night and went to bed. Several blissful hours of sleep later, Marilyn was pawing at the side of the bed. Thinking it was about 2am, I was initially irritated because I thought, "You just went out! I know you can hold it longer than that!" She continued to paw at the side of the bed and I continued to ignore her and feel guilty for doing it. After several minutes I decided I'd sneak a peak at the clock.




How did this happen?!?!?!?!?!?

One bad word might have escaped my lips. But, not more than one.

My alarm was set for 4:30! It takes me almost an hour to drive to work and I have to be there at 7am! Eeeeeeek!!!!!!!

I flew out of bed and I'm not sure that my feet even touched the floor between there and the bathroom. I called my coworker that I was relieving and told him I'd be there as quick as I could.

The next 5 minutes were like a mad scientist running around a lab trying to prevent an explosion. Lots of unproductive running back and forth to the dryer for clothes and if everyone else in the house hadn't been asleep, there might have been some screaming and cursing and hand waving and stomping and minor fit-throwing. I washed my face, pulled my hair back, got dressed, took some allergy meds, let the babies out to potty and threw some food into my lunchbox and out the door I went. I didn't get my contacts put it, I missed them all day and I think my glasses have made a permanent impression on my nose.

It was 21 degrees. But, it felt like it was about 10. COLD!! I said a prayer as I hit the road, thanking the Lord that I didn't have any frost on my car that needed to thaw and praying for no ice or wet roadways, no deer, cows or other animals standing in the roadway, and no Pokey Joe's or other hindrances getting in my way. I'm not going to say that I sped, but I did make it to work with 5 minutes to spare. So, prayers answered.

On another note, our boys won the Ripley basketball tournament last night, which was actually held here because their gym is still under construction, at least that's what I was told. I didn't get to stay for the entire game because they were running more than an hour behind and since I had to get up at 4:30, I went home and went to bed. Jakob didn't get to suit up since his hand is broken, but he still got a medal because he's part of the team. My friend, Belinda, was nice enough to post a picture of the team with their trophy.

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