August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lunchtime explosion

When I'm at work I don't get a lunch hour and have to take something that can be heated in the microwave or toaster oven.  I like those little single servings of Velveeta mac-n-cheese because they're yummy, filling and not terribly expensive.  However, these little dudes like to blow up in the microwave.  They're like miniature water spouts.  And it's not just water, it's water that's been heated with noodles and it's more like the consistency and slickness of snot.  Yucko!  The first time I made one, when I opened the microwave door there was hot water EVERYWHERE!  I reread the instructions to make sure I had prepared it correctly, but the next time I made some I got the same result - water, water everywhere.  Since I'm apparently a little slow, I tried it a third time, making sure I read the instructions carefully and followed them to a tee, thinking I must have been doing something wrong.  I opened the microwave door and more water!  I think I used almost an entire package of napkins to clean it all up.  After that, I decided I would put a couple of napkins under the cup to soak up the water.  Two napkins is not enough to hold all of the water; I used four or five more to clean it up.  I started putting a few napkins under and over the cup, thinking, surely that would cure the problem.  Well, no it doesn't.

This is the aftermath.  Notice the soaked napkins?

Lots o' slick, hard to clean up water.

Can you believe how soaked all of the napkins are?

So, I'm not sure if it's the packaging, the microwave or just bad karma, but these little cups just keep exploding like Old Faithful!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Trust, forgiveness and communication

So many things have been on my mind lately and today has been no exception.  I have two girlfriends who both have a life threatening medical condition, not the same illness, but each one deathly serious.  Both friends have suffered from their condition since childhood and both have come near death more than once.  Both friends come from large, supportive families and both grew up and got married to men who loved them for who they are and accepted their medical conditions and that's where the similarities stop.  Friend #1 is happily married with children and is living her dream.  Friend #2 is divorced and so emotionally hurt that she is unable to trust anyone after her entire life was upended and flipped around until she barely recognized it anymore.  I was thinking of these two friends this morning and how strange it is that two women who don't even know each other led lives that, in several ways, mirrored each other until one person in one of their lives made a life altering decision with, what seems to be, unending repercussions.

After several years of wedded bliss to a man who had been exceptionally supportive through all of her medical issues, Friend #2 began to suspect that her spouse was having an affair and sure enough, he was.  After a confrontation and denial and attempted justification on his part, he ended up stringing her along for another year, saying that he wanted to work it out, didn't want to be with the other woman and that he wanted a future with my friend - all the while, he was still carrying on the affair with the other woman, who was also harassing my friend.  Staying with this man was incredibly difficult for my friend.  She didn't take the easy way out, she chose to honor her vows even though he had broken his - an unbelievably hard road that I have the utmost respect for.  She loved him, had forgiven him and was willing to rebuild their trust through communication, but he was still in the throws of selfishness and could never see what it was that he was doing and the pain it was causing her.

I don't think this man has EVER understood how harmful his actions were to my friend - how devastating and humiliating it is to be the last one to know, to have your trust betrayed in such a personal and painful way, to find out that your entire life is a lie, to cry even after all of your tears are gone, to find out that everything you believed you were as a couple is nothing but smoke and mirrors and everything you thought you were building together is just a big hoax and you weren't in on the joke.  And I don't understand how it is that he continued to have the affair after he told her it was over and lie to her about it.  Nor do I understand why men and women risk their marriages, families and futures for sex with someone that they don't even love.  I confess, I was not always a person who felt this way.  In my early twenties when I didn't have a relationship with the Lord and I lived my life according to my rules and what made ME happy, my opinion was quite different.  And quite wrong, I might add.  I was listening to Focus on the Family a few weeks ago and they were interviewing a couple who pastor a church in New York (I'm sorry, I don't remember their names) and the man said something that really struck me (and I paraphrase) - You shouldn't have sex outside of marriage because you'll always be having sex to keep the other person; that people will do things that they normally wouldn't do to keep the other person from leaving them because they do not have the security and commitment of marriage.  Now, if you're a person who doesn't believe in the sanctity of marriage or who believes that divorce is the answer to all marital problems, I don't expect you to agree.  For this situation, it fits.  This man betrayed every trust that existed between he and my friend and I don't know if it's the sex or the lie that's worse for her to come to terms with.  Either way, the trust was broken and when she began to trust him again, he broke it with another lie.  She worked so hard to get through the anxiety and hurt and doubts that his affair caused her to have and all of it was for naught because he could think of no one but himself and how he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too.  Today, they remain friends, but he has "issues" with her dating other men and her heart and trust are so broken that she won't let anyone get too close.  She has a handful of people in her life that she trusts (I made the short list), but beyond that there is a very tall wall guarding her from this kind of pain in the future.  I asked her recently, "Doesn't that get old?  Not being able to trust anyone?" She said sometimes it does, but the minute an issue comes up with a new man, he hits the road and she realizes that having that wall is the best thing for her.  And I think that is so sad.  Not that a person can't live a fulfilled life as a single person, but that someone who wants to share her heart with someone can't find someone trustworthy enough to begin to let that wall come down.  Her husband was the first man she had taken the leap of trust with and he caused such unimaginable pain and harm to her that some days I wonder if she will ever fully recover.

When it was all said and done and the marriage was over and they went their separate ways, my friend's husband still tried to justify his actions.  I lost all respect for this man and I doubt it will ever be restored, not that he probably cares.  I was initially supportive of them both, encouraging forgiveness (because I BELIEVE in forgiveness) and offering whatever help I could as they worked through the situation.  But, you just can't work with a liar.  Even with forgiveness, you cannot work/build/nurture a relationship with a liar - an unfortunate life lesson.  You can forgive someone for their actions, but that doesn't mean that you have to continue to be their pawn.  Forgiving doesn't mean that you're "okay" with what the other person has done, but that you are forgiving them of it.  Forgiving doesn't mean that you won't continue to be pained from the experience.  Forgiving doesn't mean that there won't be lasting repercussions.  Forgiveness doesn't mean that you won't have to work hard to overcome all of the collateral damage that the other person caused.  Forgiveness is to let go of bitterness and hate - and my friend did that and this man took advantage of her big heart and her love for him - an unfortunate, unavoidable risk if you are to truly love someone.  Joyce Meyer has said (again I paraphrase) that if you're going to be in a relationship/friendship with someone, you need to accept that at some point he/she will hurt you and you will hurt him/her - intentional or accidental.  Accept it and decide beforehand how you're going to handle the situation when it arrives.  Deciding to have an attitude of forgiveness in advance makes it a much easier task to carry out when the incident happens.

I have heard so many people going through a divorce or separation say, "I never knew my spouse wanted/needed/felt _____."  It's so easy to get caught in the trap of complacency, which will eventually lead to non-communication.  We take for granted that our spouse knows us intimately and therefore, he/she must know what it is that I want, I shouldn't have to tell him/her.  Or that I know him/her so well, he/she wouldn't want me to do that, so I never ask.  And when we stop asking what the other one needs or wants, we are planting the seeds of non-communication.  We sometimes come to a point in our relationship where we stop "flirting" with our spouse or don't make communication and intimacy a priority because we're too busy or too tired or the kids need me or I have to work late or _____ or whatever (fill in the "I can't" space with whatever excuse you hear yourself say or think).  I have known very few couples in my life that haven't been through this particular valley of marriage.  The good news is that it IS recoverable!  It's just a valley, walk through it and come back up the mountain!  As a soon to be Mom, many may think that I am naive in my thinking, but I have already told my husband that while I want us to be the best parents we can be, we need to remember that "parent" isn't our only role in life.  I'm also a wife and he's also a husband and if we don't take care of "us" as a couple, then "us" as a family will suffer.  I don't ever want to forget or forsake that.  When our children are grown and have families of their own, we will still need each other, and hopefully, still want each other.  I believe that communication is the key to keeping the intimacy and openness of our relationship going strong.

Trust, forgiveness and communication - three things that if cultivated and nurtured properly can reap many wonderful benefits and rewards.

Disclaimer:  I'm just an opinionated small town girl who had a lot on her brain today and needed to let it all out.  Thanks for listening!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

To cough or not to cough

This is how the last week of my life has been:






Blow my nose.



Hack up my left lung.



Try to curl up in a ball.



Hack up my right lung.



Watch my belly jiggle like Santa Claus'.



D got sick first.  Day 1 - headache.  Day 2 - feel like crap.  Day 3 - heaves.  Day 4 - more heaves.  Day 5 - feel blah.  Day 6 - feel better and get out of the house.  Day 7 - feel like crap again.  Day 8 - back to normal except a cough.  I was afraid he had the flu, but thankfully, he didn't.

When I developed a cough, I was afraid I was catching whatever he had, but it turns out I just have a severe sinus infection thanks to higher levels of progesterone and the wacky weather we're having here in Oklahoma.  Spring, winter, spring, winter - Mother Nature needs to figure out what month and what season it is and stick to it.  And, lucky me, being of the pregnant variety, I don't get to take anything that would actually cure me.  I went to the doctor the day after I developed the dry cough and guess what they gave me?  Regular, plain old cough syrup.  Within 2 days I was beyond miserable and I was so full of snot - sorry, it's a gross word, but I don't want you to miss out on any part of my experience :) - and my nasal passages were so swollen that if I got up to walk 10 feet I was huffing and puffing like a race horse.  I consulted my "safe list" of meds from my OB and headed off to town for some meds to try to dry myself out.  I bought what I thought was on the list, but low and behold, when I got home I discovered that the meds on the safe list were "plain" and the only thing the store had was not "plain".

After suffering for two days, desperation began to set in.  In previous years several friends have raved about neti pots and I first learned about them when I was teaching yoga, but I never tried using one because the thought of liquid going up my nose created a serious panic attack and a need to go hide in the back of my closet.  How do you not drown and die? 

My little neti pot.
However, when you're pregnant and you can't take anything and "suffer" just isn't on your list of to-do's, desperation will override many fears. So, on Sunday morning I braved the neti pot experience. I didn't even hesitate. I read the directions and got right to it. I amazed myself. The first time I put in contacts or used a nasal spray it took me more than 15 minutes to work up the courage to get the deed done. But, I conquered the neti pot in about 5 seconds. And, holy moly, stop the presses I had immediate relief! I could breathe and it felt awesome! I still had a cough, but the snot had gone bye-bye! I highly recommend using a neti pot if you're full of snot, too.

Coughing is what I've been doing ever since. And between the increasing weight of the growing human in my uterus, the increased volume of water I'm having to drink and the violent coughing fits, I cannot run to the bathroom fast enough. It's terrible, but I'm told it's normal. ??? I assure you, there is nothing normal about having to run to the bathroom because you're having a coughing fit and you're afraid that you're going to wet your pants in a very public way.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I just coughed and need to run to the bathroom again.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Running late

Days like today I'm glad I have a secondary, furry alarm clock that wakes me up because she needs to go outside. Normally, the girls go out about 5:00 or 5:15 and when Marilyn doesn't get to go out at that time, she will let me know within the hour that her little bladder is full and, more importantly, she wants a piece of candy (dog treat).

I set my alarm last night and went to bed. Several blissful hours of sleep later, Marilyn was pawing at the side of the bed. Thinking it was about 2am, I was initially irritated because I thought, "You just went out! I know you can hold it longer than that!" She continued to paw at the side of the bed and I continued to ignore her and feel guilty for doing it. After several minutes I decided I'd sneak a peak at the clock.




How did this happen?!?!?!?!?!?

One bad word might have escaped my lips. But, not more than one.

My alarm was set for 4:30! It takes me almost an hour to drive to work and I have to be there at 7am! Eeeeeeek!!!!!!!

I flew out of bed and I'm not sure that my feet even touched the floor between there and the bathroom. I called my coworker that I was relieving and told him I'd be there as quick as I could.

The next 5 minutes were like a mad scientist running around a lab trying to prevent an explosion. Lots of unproductive running back and forth to the dryer for clothes and if everyone else in the house hadn't been asleep, there might have been some screaming and cursing and hand waving and stomping and minor fit-throwing. I washed my face, pulled my hair back, got dressed, took some allergy meds, let the babies out to potty and threw some food into my lunchbox and out the door I went. I didn't get my contacts put it, I missed them all day and I think my glasses have made a permanent impression on my nose.

It was 21 degrees. But, it felt like it was about 10. COLD!! I said a prayer as I hit the road, thanking the Lord that I didn't have any frost on my car that needed to thaw and praying for no ice or wet roadways, no deer, cows or other animals standing in the roadway, and no Pokey Joe's or other hindrances getting in my way. I'm not going to say that I sped, but I did make it to work with 5 minutes to spare. So, prayers answered.

On another note, our boys won the Ripley basketball tournament last night, which was actually held here because their gym is still under construction, at least that's what I was told. I didn't get to stay for the entire game because they were running more than an hour behind and since I had to get up at 4:30, I went home and went to bed. Jakob didn't get to suit up since his hand is broken, but he still got a medal because he's part of the team. My friend, Belinda, was nice enough to post a picture of the team with their trophy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The hubs' activities

Warning:  If you are offended by pictures of dead coteys or bobcats, do not read any further.

This is what the hubs has been up to.

Killing coteys.

Killing coteys.

Killing coteys.

Killing bobcats.

Killing bobcats.

And ...... I forced him to till up the garden.

We'll do it again in March before we plant. Until then, it's lookin' good!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Garlic cheese crescents

These are the easiest garlic cheese rolls you'll ever make!  And they're super yummy!

Garlic Cheese Crescents
  • 1 pkg refrigerated crescent rolls
  • 4 slices of cheese
  • Garlic salt, to taste
  • 1-2 tsp butter, melted
1.  Lay the crescent rolls out flat and sprinkle with garlic salt.

2.  Cut each slice of cheese in half, on the diagonal, and lay one triangle of cheese on each roll.

3.  Roll them up and brush a little bit of the melted butter onto the top of each roll and sprinkled with garlic salt.  If you don't have a brush, just carefully spoon a small amount over the top.

4.  Bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes until golden brown and the cheese is melted.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The kids and their activities

This is what happens when you play basketball a little too aggressively. Two dislocated fingers = a temporary splint and some pain killers along with a referral to an orthopedist for a more permanent splint. I think Jakob's basketball season may be over.

And these are the many positions of Marilyn - my life is SO difficult, this bed is very comfy, go away and rub my tummy. You can see that she is quite active. And she needs a haircut.

And this is how Diamond likes to sleep - upside down, usually with her feet paralleling the wall, or on her side. She also likes to roll around on her back and rub her hair and doggy smell into the carpet after I shampoo it. She's helpful that way.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goals and resolutions

Do you still make New Year's resolutions? When I was growing up it was something we always did, along with eating black eyed peas (blech!) on New Year's Day. I still eat BEP's (doctored up with jalepenos, onions, spices and BBQ sauce, otherwise they just taste like dirt), but I gave up resolutions a long time ago. Instead, I like to make new goals for myself throughout the year. Who needs to wait until the new year starts? I'm so over the whole "new year, new you" thing. Why not choose whatever day it happens to be and make your decision to do better or be better or make a change right then and there? Now, I will concede that like the TPWL blog I share below says, somehow after cleaning up all of the Christmas decor and vacuuming up all of the glitter there is something refreshing about cleaning up or cleaning out that transcends into my fitness life. There's something rejuvenating about clearing away the clutter that makes me want to clear away the fat on my backside, as well. For the last few months I have not been the dedicated fitness junkie of the days of yore. Being pregnant has completely wiped me out, but now that I'm into my second trimester I'm feeling the fatigue less and less and starting to have more energy and getting back into exercising - however, slower and less intense than what I used to do. Walking has replaced running. Five and eight pound weights have replaced twelves and fifteens. Squats and lunges no longer even require weights. A target heart rate (THR) of 160-170 has been replaced by anything under 140. And I'm okay with all of that. I confess years of goals revolving around losing weight because as a former fatty I still see myself as that overweight, out-of-shape 20 year old. Now I'm just a 35 year old fat pregnant lady lol! But, I'm exercising for a completely different reason - not that I won't probably revert back to losing-weight-mode after the baby comes, but for now I'm satisfied that I've at least been able to shift my thinking and perspective to something that's not "all about me". I just want to feel good and I want our baby to be healthy and I don't want to do anything that would harm him/her.

So, with the beginning of the new year and New Year's resolutions, here's a little blog post from The Police Wife Life about keeping with it, fighting the daily fight and not taking the easy way out. The blog isn't so much about fitness, but it's lesson is a great application to exercising or any other goal you've set or resolution that youvre made. When I was still teaching I, along with all of my dedicated "regulars", would see the influx of new members at the gym every January and by March, probably 90% of them had fallen off of the wagon and were no longer exercising. We'd see them again the next January or for 6 weeks before bikini season, thinking they could immediately and miraculously lose 40 pounds before their big summer vacation. Keep your goals small, take them one day at a time. Being fit and healthy and losing weight is not a short term activity, it is a lifestyle change that takes daily dedication and rededication, and pushing through when you don't want to. This doesn't just happen with fitness goals, it happens with many of life's goals. Don't let discouragement keep you from achievement!

Here's the post from TPWL Melissa Littles:

"Treadmill perspective of the day: You know how regardless of how we say we’re not going to do it, we always do it to some degree. The New Year’s Resolution. Ahhh….yes, the effect all that holiday gluttony has on us once the December 15th Weight Watchers and Slim-Fast, and Gold’s Gym and 24 Hour Fitness ads starts flooding the commercials. That momentary enthusiasm which comes when we clear out ...all the Christmas leftovers and put all the décor away and vacuum up all the glitter and residue. That deep crisp breath on a cold winter morning when the snow is blinding and the sun is warm…it all lends us to that magical moment of resolve which typically disappears instantaneously as your thighs meet spandex and your feet meet the floor on day one of your new found determination. And that is the moment. That one moment when your will and determination come head to head with the easy way out, and it is in that moment that you make a choice to stick with your plan, or say “tomorrow”.

Regardless of what our goals are, whether it be healthy living, weight loss, financial planning, career goals, whatever it may be, each day, each moment, we must dedicate ourselves to the commitment we have made. You hear it all the time – don’t set unreasonable goals. Baby steps. One day, one week, one month at a time. It requires consistency, continued dedication; it requires us to pay attention to ourselves and how we are following through. It requires accountability.

I often wonder, how is it that so many of us find ourselves at the end of each year, tired, unmotivated, once again saying “next year”, as usual ending a year with regret of some nature? Well, it’s called human nature for one. It’s also called complacency. The chaos and strain of daily life wears on us all. Like many things we can resolve to be gung-ho at 0800, spill coffee on our winter white pants, have a child puke in a car seat, get another over-draft notice, or come face to face with a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and as quickly as we had our own pep rally we find ourselves first row at a pity party with VIP seats. Too often we allow momentary setbacks to dictate our continued motivation. We give up to easily. We give in to frustration and allow anger to control our disposition. We find ourselves reacting to our emotional stress rather that acting in a manner to resolve it and stay on track with our long term goals. So often we become our own worst enemy and truly lose sight that we are not in a struggle to achieve what we set our eyes on, we are really fighting against ourselves.

“If you fall off, get back up again”, “Put your big girl panties on and deal”, “brush that dirt off your shoulder (Jay-Z is now stuck in your head, sorry)”, “Put one foot in front of the other”…..all common phrases we are familiar with but easily replaced with “Oh well, today is shot to hell”, “better luck next time”, “I’ll start Monday”…. Regardless of how it is applicable to your life, each time we let a momentary set back dictate a do-over, we have in a way, given up on ourselves. Rather than working through each moment, at that moment, resolving the issue, letting go and moving on, we allow ourselves to get stuck, which in turns allows us to set back, which in turn leaves us at square one all over again day after day after day.

I’ve heard from those who fight constantly. One says something, the other goes on the defense, it escalates into a fight and the fallout lasts for days. After days of not speaking, the cold shoulder, sarcastic pettiness on both sides, there is concession and you start all over again. So many times never, ever working on a solution for why it happened to begin with, never working on communication, never conceding the “win”….and never acknowledging the loss is for both. The cycle repeats and you find yourself living a constant roller coaster of the same behavior.

I know all too well about allowing one moment to dictate the remainder of my day. It is the one aspect of my personality I have had to dedicate myself to changing. And, I have to do it moment by moment by moment. You’ve all experienced “Mel’s filter failure”…. It is proof I still have work to do, constant work to do, but it is also something I force myself to address and deal with internally and force myself into another project and resolve to moving forward. I am constantly working on not allowing my frustration with the justice system or politicians or just plain stupidity to allow my energy to be sucked into a dark place of anger rather than refocusing that energy into a productive article about the situation or a productive letter or phone call to try and work for some resolve. Last year, I would have been in a pissy mood all day. Today, I still get ticked off, and I constantly tell myself “Act, don’t react”. Act in a manner to address it, resolve it, move forward from it. And it is a daily, continual effort at which I fail miserably at times. Failing miserably has never worked long term….it’s up to me to remember and act on that knowledge. It’s a whole lot easier to unleash and feel better and be bitchy all day….. but it’s not cute. It’s not cute at all.

We all have something, perhaps many areas in our lives which we have dedicated ourselves to change for the better. Many of us have a belief in God to help us and guide us….. many of us must remember He doesn’t do it for us, or make it easy on us, and we are responsible and required to do the work. Many of us have friends and support networks and our partners to help us stay motivated and resolved to make a change, but we all have the ultimate responsibility for accountability of self.

How we live our lives, how we treat those around us, how we speak to those we love, how we honor our own bodies, how we conduct ourselves, how we honor and respect those in our lives… is our responsibility, each moment, each day, each week. “Lead by example” starts within ourselves and we must lead OURSELVES by the example we have committed to before we can ever consider leading others by our own example. It doesn’t just start at home, it truly starts within. ©TPWL"
Now, if you'll excuse me, CSI: Miami is on and Horatio Caine is calling my name. Chores to follow. Happy New Year, peeps!