August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

Toodle-oo 2012!

2012 is coming to a close and what a year it has been.  Honestly, I don't remember much of it, it went by so quickly.  With all of the holiday celebrations and basketball practices, December has felt like a flash in the pan. 

Early in the month Jakob and I went to the Parade of Lights in Stillwater - AFTER we ate some alfredo sauce at Da Vinci's and had hot chocolate at Aspen.  Jakob's faves of the parade were the loud motorcycles and speed bikes, which weren't really covered in lights, but were cool anyway.

Jakob and Jimmy were introduced to smores one night while we were at Josh and Shawna's.  I asked them if they had something similar in Germany, but called it something else and they said no, they'd never heard of smores before.  How strange.  You'd think something like smores is a universal, but apparently not.  The boys hated them.  Just kidding.  There's chocolate involved, of course they loved them!

Smores education for the non-enlightened:  graham cracker, large marshmallow, piece of chocolate.  Roast the marshmallow over a fire then squeeze it between graham crackers and chocolate and pull it off of the skewer (or stick if you're doing this in the woods) and chow down.  If you've ever attended any kind of camp in the United States, you've probably had some variation of smores.

I also developed a Peanut Pooch.  This is me at 16 weeks.

We celebrated Christmas with in-laws and outlaws and Jakob had his first communion ever on the 23rd. He said he'd never heard of it before, but is sure his mom probably has. Our pastor gave an awesome message about what communion means and we all sang some Christmas hymns.  It was a beautiful occasion and as our pastor told Jakob, we were honored that his first communion was shared with us.

Last week we took Jakob to Click's Steakhouse in Pawnee.  If you're not from Oklahoma and you've never heard of Click's, you're excused.  If you're from Oklahoma and you've never heard of Click's, shame on ya!  Jakob ordered a prime rib, I think it may have been his first, and when they brought the food to our table his eyes literally bugged out.  He said he'd never seen a steak that big before.  Welcome to America where our motto is bigger is better!  And on the bigger is better note, Jakob said when he first arrived here that he wanted to put on some weight, which we thought wouldn't be a problem, given the American diet.  However, he's still a beanpole.  But, I think he's grown about 3 inches since September.

And what meal at Click's would be complete without dessert?  I had cheesecake, which was 3 stories tall and topped with cherries, D had coconut cream pie and Jakob had, what else but, the chocolate cream pie.  He said he'd never seen or heard of meringue before.  We're teaching him all we know.

We also spent an afternoon playing Monopoly.  Just so you know, both of these boys cheat.  They'll deny it if you ask and say that I played with a potty mouth, but don't listen to them.  They be cheaters.

For the last weekend of 2012 Derek and Josh went coyote hunting and then we went to Tulsa for some shopping and eating.  Miss Loren went with us and was super excited when she found out we were going to Bass Pro because she would get to see the fish.
Don't you love her boots?!  Too, too cute!  And they match mine.  :)
She also did a little laser hunting.  She'd never played before and didn't know how to aim.  I showed her how to line up the sights, but she couldn't close her left eye.  I'm going to assume that she's like her Daddy and will find that she is left-eye dominant.  We improvised.  I covered her left eye with my hand and she shot a varmint.  Then she tried to cover her eye herself; successful, she wasn't.
D is outside shooting coyotes again and really wants me to go outside to take a picture of his trophy, but it's cold and raining (praise the Lord!!), so I think I'll just stay inside.  Plus, I don't have on my mud shoes, so going outside just isn't going to happen.
Have a Happy New Year and an awesome 2013!

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