August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tough love, night #1

Night #1 of tough love bedtime was a success. 

At Rocco's 6 month checkup they said to start laying him down at bedtime when he wasn't asleep but was sleepy, so that he would start learning to go to bed. But, I haven't been able to make myself do it. He's my baby and I want to love him and hug him and kiss him and snuggle him. Lay him down and them have to hear him cry those terribly sad sobs? I didnt think I could do that. Until now.

We got home about 9:00 last night and he was super tired, he had fallen asleep the last 4 miles home, but once we got home, he just wouldn't go back to sleep. He drank a 6oz bottle and then just fought me, so I let him play for a while, thinking he'd wear himself out. 

He never did. 

Cranky? Yes. Sleepy? Yes. Going to sleep? Absolutely not. 

By 10:30 this Mommy was ready for him to go night-night! He drank another 2oz bottle and was almost asleep, but just wouldn't give it up. I knew that it was time to do something different, even though I didn't want to. I laid him down and tried to pat him to sleep (you know patting his butt and back until he goes to sleep), and after 10 minutes of that not working, I walked away. That's right, this old mama bear just walked away. I can hardly believe it, myself. 

The next 15 minutes felt like an eternity! I told myself that if I can stand listening to him scream all the way home from Stillwater, I could take this, too. I gave myself a 30 minute time limit, thinking that if he hadn't cried himself to sleep by then, I'd go rescue him and snuggle his cute little self. I could tell he was close to sleep, just by the sound of his cries. And then, he was asleep! 

I went to check on him and he was on his hands and knees with his face on his stuffed lamb, using it like a pillow. It just about broke my heart. I repositioned him and covered him up, told him I loved him and went to bed. 

I'm praying for more success and less torture in this area. 

1 comment:

  1. The hard part. I hated hearing mine cry but I paid for it later bc mine slept in my bed for many years. Finally got him in his own just a few years back but don't worry they still cuddle. Well mine does and he's soon to be 11.
