August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The new world order

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."

This little tidbit is really ringing true with me lately. I saw this in a magazine and cut it out to put on my bathroom mirror. Do you do that? I love to clip out little snipits of wisdom and then put them where I can see them and be reminded daily. I haven't had any magazine subscriptions for a year or so, but I finally renewed a couple of them and with the first issue I was already into some good stuff!

These two short sentences ring true with pretty much every aspect of my life right now. I'm constantly weighing the scales between time with my son and husband or doing chores and working out. I have really struggled with how to maintain a healthy balance. I'm not going to lie, I love to workout and I miss it terribly! Of all of the things that I gave up when Rocco was born, this is the biggie. This is the one that actually bothers me all the time. So much of who I am is tied up in exercise, fitness, and health. It's part of what makes me, me. I like to move and be active and get my sweat on. I enjoy hard work and being productive. I love having muscles that are defined, not for others to see, but for myself to see. I like to know that I am capable. I love pushing myself into the next minute, the next mile, the next rep, or to a heavier weight. And all of that was thrown away when he was born because I simply couldn't find the time. I believe that parents have to take care of themselves, physically and mentally, so they can be the best parent they can be. For me, getting my sweat on is what renews my mind and my body. 

So, here's the new world order: I am getting in 20-35 minutes of exercise each day, but it's at 9 o'clock at night. I can't find the time earlier in the day, so I'll take what I can get and this is the only way for me to make the time. And it's working! I've already lost 3 of the 4 pounds I gained over the holidays. Don't judge me, man. There was a lot of chocolate involved. However, all of the chocolate is now gone and I'm eating better. I may not be getting in a one-hour sweat session like I used to, but at least I'm doing "something" and that makes me feel better!

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