August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, September 16, 2013

Our nightly walk

Our son absolutely LOVES to be outside. He and I sit on the back porch in the cool mornings or evenings and enjoy the peacefulness as we listen to the wind rustle the leaves on the trees and the tall grass across the fence while the birds chase and chirp at each other, singing or fighting, I'm not sure which. Rocco sits in his Boppy Seat and snuggles his blankie and chews on his hand while he gurgles and coos and we have a long conversation about our day. Since he loves to be outside, I also try to take him on a walk every day. Plus, it calms him down when he's fussy. But, loading him and the stroller up and going to town to walk is a little inconvenient sometimes. I'm lucky, though, because the good Lord blessed us with a place to walk right outside our own back door!

Did you ever read my post about our driveway? Remember how I said that years ago it was the bed for the railroad tracks? Well, that road runs the entire width of the property, it's only a small portion that we actually use for our driveway. So, I load up the little man in our off-road stroller, cross two cattle guards and off through the pasture we go!

This is the first cattle guard. The pipes are so far apart that I actually have to pick up the front of the stroller and slowly and carefully move it across. Rocco loves the bumpiness of it and just laughs and laughs!

Then we turn west and this is the view of our little "trail".

Then we come to the second cattle guard. Its pipes are much closer together and we cross it easily. And again, he laughs at the bumps.

Along the way we see things like this pretty flower. 

And this dead tree that Daddy & Papa need to go chop down. 

And we roll over some big, bumpy rocks. 

Then we have views like this. 

And this. 

And this. We also had a view of LOTS of cotey poo, but I didn't think you'd appreciate a photo of that.  You're welcome.

And the big ol' pump jack!

Then we turn south and go past the storage tanks and up the hill to this.

Then the road becomes a little less well traveled. 

And on this night the moon was already coming out. 

And someone else had gone out. This is my view of him from behind the "steering wheel".

And 30 minutes later when we got home and crossed the cattle guards again, the sky looked like this.
Beautiful and majestic.

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