August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Do you love Broadway shows? If you say no, we can no long be buds. Sorry, it's just the rules of life, man. Just kidding. 

We saw Wicked! at the Tulsa PAC tonight, not the first time I've seen it, but it was just as spectacular as the first time! I swear, if reincarnation existed, then I was a Broadway star in New York City in another life. I love, love, love Broadway shows! I almost cried when the house lights dimmed and the music started and several times throughout the production I got teary and I had to catch my breath.

And, do you know how hard it is to stay in your seat and not jump up and join the production and sing at the top of your lungs when you know all of the words? Well, let me tell you, it's extremely difficult. I kept my seat and tried to do nothing more than tap my toes and lip sync, but I confess, a couple of audibles came out. Which lead to the little girl in front of us turning around in her seat and spending a great deal of time watching me lip sync. I'm not sure if I'm flattered or creeped out. 

And just so you know, I wore my sparkly shoes. They weren't as sparkly as the ruby slippers, but they were the prettiest shoes of all the ones I saw. I did see a flowery pair that I liked, though. And I was all dudied up and my hair and makeup were good, it was like an in park grand slam for me - that means it doesn't happen very often, by the way. 

If you aren't familiar with Wicked! it's the story of what happened in Oz before Dorothy blew into town. Have no fear, though, I'm not going to tell you what happens. You should read the book or see the show. And, oh how I hope they make a movie of it someday! I can see it in my minds eye already!

As I was watching the actress who portrayed Elphaba (the Wicked Witch) sing one of her solos, something strange happened to me. There was a time in my life when I would have felt a twinge of jealousy mixed with admiration for her. But, tonight the only thing I could think as she belted out awesomeness was that her mother must be so proud of her. It's official. Mom thinking consumes me. What a talent! What a voice! What a gift! What an amazing experience to be involved in this show! To be the headliner! Wow. I was just amazed and I wanted to cry for her and her parents because I just felt so happy for them. How many long hours has she spent in her life perfecting her voice and acting talents? How many times was she rejected, but didn't let it deter her from her dream? How many times did she doubt what she was doing? How many times has she had to dig deep to find the courage to go on?

There's a lesson there for all of us.

Keep the faith. 

Keep pressing on. 

Lean in. 

Don't give up. 

P.S. Don't drink the green elixir!