August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Monday, May 6, 2013

Goodbye, Jakob

Today is a bittersweet day.

Jakob and his family are leaving.

It's a day we thought we were prepared for, but saying goodbye is always hard to do. On one hand we're excited and looking forward to the new chapter of life we're about to embark on and on the other hand we're going to miss having Jakob around. He's essentially been our son for the last 8 1/2 months and we've enjoyed having him here. There was an adjustment period for him and for us, but we definitely had a good experience as host parents. He's a good kid and I hope that his year in the United States was all that he hoped it would be. And hopefully he doesn't take home any of my cuss words.

His parents and sister arrived last week and it's easy to see where Jakob's good manners and spirit come from. They are an amazing family and it's obvious how close-knit they are and how much they love each other. I can't imagine sending my child halfway around the world to live abroad for a year. I know it must have been very difficult for all of them and his sister said that Berlin without Jakob wasn't any fun. She also said that if he comes back to the United States for college, she's coming with him. :)

We will miss you Jakob!